You are part of the problem. You look away from all the terrible things Murphy does and all the wrong things Murphy stands for, all against our Torah Values because he threw a few dollars to the Yeshivos and Shuls like throwing a bone to a dog to follow him. Don’t be fooled. No matter who he is, if there is a “D” for DemocRAT by his name then Yidden will lose out. Look at all the D’s in power. They’re all anti Torah, backstabbers.
After being caught by a Floyd protest maskless Murphy changed his tact. Till then he was pretty nasty towards the frum community. Hashem orchastrated this whole event to open our yeshivas. Hashem closed them and hashem opened them up.Murphy is a puppet in the hands of hashem. We owe Hashem thanks. We should be humbled how the most anti family and anti tora agenda people was used against his will. He does not have our backs. Hashem does and no one else. Lets follow R Miller Zl and not vote for a man who intuiated teaching children about alternative lifestyles. It is amazing how many people are forgetting hashem.
Harav Hagoan R’ M. Stern once told me “hakaras hatov doesn’t mean to return the favor.” Of course we appreciate his support, does that mean we should give him another 4 years? What about other issues ?
Politics is dirty, very dirty. This “explosive” report is gornisht mit gornisht. There are much bigger problems with the pervert supporter Murphy than some silly secretary of his making some stupid remarks. Everyone must go out and vote for Jack Ciattarelli. He’s definitely got flaws but he’s 100 times better for the Yidden and the Garden State than Murphy.
See reply to Rochelle/ My mesorah says Hakoras HaTov trumps anyone’s assumption/feeling/belief that this replacement is going to be better than what we have.
It’s an old story that jewish institutions sell their souls for money unfortunately. I don’t trust this guy with a penny. De blasio was voted in by other jewish institutions and so was cuomo. I hope when it comes to bechira; which is voting pple look at their shorashim and do what is really right. The second term can be dangerous because the first one is all about making a good enough impression to win the second term.
DeBlasio only got in because there were 20 candidates running and no one passed the threshold. DeBlasio got less than 50% of the vote. He was a nobody. Then, the racist Democrat machine forced the conservative black Bill Thompson to drop out and not contest the stolen election. Once DeBlasio got in, the golden democrat rule is, the incumbent stays in forever or until the term limit ends.
Good point. All Republicans are white supremacists. They have a history of denying Torah and banning Yiddishkiet. When they win they go all out in trying to shmad and convert Yidden. Only democrats support our values.
Governor Murphy was very supportive of Yeshivos and Shuls during Covid. He earned our support for reelection. My Passaic friends are all for the gov.
Let’s not rewrite history:
Let’s not rewrite history:
Exactly. Lev sarim u’milachim b’yad HaShem. What IS in our hands is to show hakoras ha’tov!
You are part of the problem. You look away from all the terrible things Murphy does and all the wrong things Murphy stands for, all against our Torah Values because he threw a few dollars to the Yeshivos and Shuls like throwing a bone to a dog to follow him. Don’t be fooled. No matter who he is, if there is a “D” for DemocRAT by his name then Yidden will lose out. Look at all the D’s in power. They’re all anti Torah, backstabbers.
After being caught by a Floyd protest maskless Murphy changed his tact. Till then he was pretty nasty towards the frum community. Hashem orchastrated this whole event to open our yeshivas. Hashem closed them and hashem opened them up.Murphy is a puppet in the hands of hashem. We owe Hashem thanks. We should be humbled how the most anti family and anti tora agenda people was used against his will. He does not have our backs. Hashem does and no one else. Lets follow R Miller Zl and not vote for a man who intuiated teaching children about alternative lifestyles. It is amazing how many people are forgetting hashem.
Harav Hagoan R’ M. Stern once told me “hakaras hatov doesn’t mean to return the favor.” Of course we appreciate his support, does that mean we should give him another 4 years? What about other issues ?
Vote him out!!!
Curious: Yourfeeling/opinion, or the reply you received when you asked your Rav/Posek for Daas Torah on this matter?
Politics is dirty, very dirty. This “explosive” report is gornisht mit gornisht. There are much bigger problems with the pervert supporter Murphy than some silly secretary of his making some stupid remarks. Everyone must go out and vote for Jack Ciattarelli. He’s definitely got flaws but he’s 100 times better for the Yidden and the Garden State than Murphy.
See reply to Rochelle/ My mesorah says Hakoras HaTov trumps anyone’s assumption/feeling/belief that this replacement is going to be better than what we have.
To Rochelle I am a Passaic person and many people in the community are voting against the governor
To number one
Many people in Passaic are voting Republican
It’s an old story that jewish institutions sell their souls for money unfortunately. I don’t trust this guy with a penny. De blasio was voted in by other jewish institutions and so was cuomo. I hope when it comes to bechira; which is voting pple look at their shorashim and do what is really right. The second term can be dangerous because the first one is all about making a good enough impression to win the second term.
DeBlasio only got in because there were 20 candidates running and no one passed the threshold. DeBlasio got less than 50% of the vote. He was a nobody. Then, the racist Democrat machine forced the conservative black Bill Thompson to drop out and not contest the stolen election. Once DeBlasio got in, the golden democrat rule is, the incumbent stays in forever or until the term limit ends.
Phill Murphy is very good to the jews if he loses then who knows if the republican will be good we need phil Murphy
Good point. All Republicans are white supremacists. They have a history of denying Torah and banning Yiddishkiet. When they win they go all out in trying to shmad and convert Yidden. Only democrats support our values.
Huh? I think you got got that a bit twisted. Or, you’re just sarcastic.