RUNNING SCARED: Watch: NJ Gov Murphy Refuses To Respond To Undercover Video Of Staffer Saying He Will Mandate Vaccinations Following The Election

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  1. Governor Murphy was very supportive of Yeshivos and Shuls during Covid. He earned our support for reelection. My Passaic friends are all for the gov.

  2. Politics is dirty, very dirty. This “explosive” report is gornisht mit gornisht. There are much bigger problems with the pervert supporter Murphy than some silly secretary of his making some stupid remarks. Everyone must go out and vote for Jack Ciattarelli. He’s definitely got flaws but he’s 100 times better for the Yidden and the Garden State than Murphy.

    • See reply to Rochelle/ My mesorah says Hakoras HaTov trumps anyone’s assumption/feeling/belief that this replacement is going to be better than what we have.

  3. It’s an old story that jewish institutions sell their souls for money unfortunately. I don’t trust this guy with a penny. De blasio was voted in by other jewish institutions and so was cuomo. I hope when it comes to bechira; which is voting pple look at their shorashim and do what is really right. The second term can be dangerous because the first one is all about making a good enough impression to win the second term.

    • DeBlasio only got in because there were 20 candidates running and no one passed the threshold. DeBlasio got less than 50% of the vote. He was a nobody. Then, the racist Democrat machine forced the conservative black Bill Thompson to drop out and not contest the stolen election. Once DeBlasio got in, the golden democrat rule is, the incumbent stays in forever or until the term limit ends.


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