Despite a disappointing blow from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) on Sunday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has promised to forge ahead with a vote on an updated version of the Build Back Better Act, President Joe Biden’s $2.2 trillion climate, tax, and spending plan.
On Sunday, Manchin announced in an interview that he wouldn’t support the policy plan in its current form after months of one-on-one negotiations with the president over the bill. Schumer and other top Democrats have been frustrated by Biden and Manchin’s inability to compromise and make the Dec. 25deadline that Schumer had attempted to impose.
Schumer plans to call a vote early in 2022 and expects senators to take “the opportunity to make their position known on the Senate floor, not just on television.” Read more at the New York Times.
Hot air. Manchin has no regrets about pulling his support from the behemoth spending bill. The Dems who curse him are fools. He is doing the job his constituents hired him to do. He was not sent to Washington to be a “good little democrat”. The likes of brain dead AOC saying ridiculous things doesn’t give the Dems a better image.
Schumer is not around anymore.
Left wing backstabbing liberal, Bob Casey, is the problem. He has such a low self worth that he just rubber stamps everything Biden commands him to and walks blindly in lockstep with every edict the DNC spews forth.