Second Coronavirus Wave Could Be Deadlier, CDC Chief Warns

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The head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned today that a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic expected this winter could be deadlier than the current pandemic — even as more states push to reopen their economies and lift their stay-at-home orders, reports the NY Post.

“There’s a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through,” CDC Director Robert Redfield told The Washington Post, saying that it would likely coincide with peak flu season. “And when I’ve said this to others, they kind of put their head back, they don’t understand what I mean.”



  1. HKBH is giving Klal Yisroel time before the next major wave of Magefa R”L to do major and massive Teshuva! There are so many areas that need Tikkun. Each and everyone of us has to make a cheshbon hanefesh immediately and start improving in our lives. No more sweet talk to our pampered and spoiled generation with our childish hashkofos. We beg our Gedolim and Rabbonim for guidance! H-SHEM should please have Rachamim on his Am Hanivchar and send us the Geula Bekorov Bsimcha!

  2. We need to adapt to this new reality where we know that nothing is assured.

    There is only one address to look to, and where to find comfort.

    And the songs of our master Hamelech Dovid A”H will provide us comfort and strength as they provided our fathers and mothers and their parents throughout the generations in all the trying times that they and the whole Klal Yisrael went through.

    A Yid is always hopeful that the yeshua is near, regardless of what the G-dless goyim are saying.

  3. The underlying assumption here is that this will wane in the warm summer weather, causing people to abandon restrictions, and when this comes back in the fall, it will be equally distributed across nation as opposed to a few localized hotspots, and there will be a full 6 months of peak winter conditions when this is most deadly as opposed to spring conditions showing up now. The increased population of immuno compromised individuals due to flu season will aggregate things too. Of course, the opening assumption here is that there will be no effective treatment plan in 5 months, the same way there hasn’t been an effective treatment plan identified in the first 3 months of dealing with this.

  4. The World Health Organization threatened President Trump on Apr 8 during their briefing on coronavirus that if he cuts WHO funding he’ll need many more body bags.

    In the meantime a driver carrying virus “samples” in his vehicle in order to spread more of the virus was killed in Myanmar 2 days ago.


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