Members of the UN Security Council failed to come to an agreement on Thursday regarding the Palestinian Authority’s request for full UN membership. Consequently, it appears that the improbable endeavor will proceed to a formal council vote.
Last week, the Palestinian Authority revived its bid for UN membership, prompting the Security Council to initiate a structured review process. This involved an ad hoc committee consisting of member states of the council, which, as reported, did not achieve consensus during its closed-door session.
Maltese Ambassador Vanessa Frazier, holding the council’s rotating presidency for April, disclosed that there was no unanimity among the members. However, she noted that two-thirds of the members expressed support for full membership without specifying the countries involved.
For the Palestinian Authority to attain UN member state status, it must undergo scrutiny by the Security Council and subsequently gain endorsement from the General Assembly.
In response to inquiries about whether the US would utilize its Security Council veto to thwart the PA’s bid, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller refrained from speculating on future events. However, he emphasized that the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with assurances for Israel’s security should be achieved through direct negotiations between the involved parties, rather than via the United Nations.
In November 2012, the United Nations adopted a resolution acknowledging “Palestine” as a non-member observer state. Since then, the Palestinian Authority has reiterated its intention to pursue full UN membership.
In 2022, the US advised the Palestinian Authority against seeking a vote at the UN Security Council for full UN membership, asserting its likelihood to veto any such attempt.
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