Sen. Marco Rubio: China ‘Sent Message’ to Biden That ‘You Can’t Stop Us’

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China sent a message to President Joe Biden this past week that “we can fly a balloon over the airspace of the United States of America and they don’t do anything to stop us,” Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said today, Newsmax reports.

“They calculated this carefully with a message embedded in it,” Rubio told CNN’s “State of the Union.” “It’s not just the balloon, it’s the message they’re trying to send the world, that we can do whatever we want and America can’t stop us.

“If they’re not going to be able to stop a balloon from flying over U.S. airspace, how is America going to come to your aid if we invade Taiwan, take land from India, or islands from the Philippines in Japan.”



  1. Rubio got it backwards, Biden sent China a message the U.S. can’t stop them.

    China has been holding off on providing serious military support for Russia against Ukraine because they are using that as leverage against the U.S. — Basically, China told Biden that if he doesn’t behave they will help Russia crush Ukraine and embarrass the U.S.

    Trump was soft on Russia because he wanted to weaken China by peeling away Russia as a Chinese ally vs. the U.S.. The anti-Trump media tried to portray Trump as being a tool of Putin but the reality was that Trump had his priorities straight. Russia is not a serious adversary of the U.S. but China certainly is.

    • Sorry to burst your balloon. Trump was coronavised way back on Feb 17th 2021. He’s long gone. He joined Helen Thomas down there.


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