Senate Moving To Confirm Trump Nominees In Lame Duck Session

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The Republican-led Senate is moving to confirm nominees of President Donald Trump to government posts in a lame duck session of Congress despite howls from Democrats. The Senate is looking to fill positions that would outlast Inauguration Day or even the next president, Politico reported.

The Senate leadership is looking to confirm nominations for posts on the Federal Election Commission, Federal Reserve Board and appointments to the judiciary, the website said.

An attempt to advance the choice of Judy Shelton to the Fed fell one vote short in a procedural vote, due to the absences of two Republicans in self-quarantine over exposure to someone with the novel coronavirus. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.,  voted against the move to preserve the possibility or bringing her name back when he has the votes.

Also on the nomination list for the Fed is Christopher Waller. Shelton’s post would expire in 2030; Waller’s in 2024, Politico said.

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  1. A total waste of tax payers money. Another move by Trump & his Republican lackeys to make us the ‘laughing stock’ of the world.


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