Sephardi Chief Rabbi Demands Pope Francis Retract Suggestion That Gaza War May Be Genocide

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Sephardi Chief Rabbi Rav Dovid Yosef strongly criticized Pope Francis for implying that Israel might be engaging in genocide in Gaza, accusing the Pope of siding with aggressors rather than their victims.

“It’s very interesting that the Pope doesn’t call for an investigation of the terrible slaughter of Jews last year on October 7,” Rav Yosef remarked in a video message. “It’s interesting that he doesn’t call for an investigation of the incitement against Jews across Europe, overt antisemitic incitement.”

In his upcoming book, Hope Never Disappoints, Pope Francis writes, “According to some experts, what is happening in Gaza has the characteristics of a genocide. It should be carefully investigated to determine whether it fits into the technical definition formulated by jurists and international bodies.”

Rav Yosef demanded that the Pope withdraw his statement and issue an apology.



  1. Nothing to worry about. The pope was dealt with several years ago, thanks to President Trump’s draining of the swamp. Nothing is as it seems.

  2. The Pope cannot retract. He’s supposed to be infallible. The best he can do is to declare that he had a revelation of Yoshke on a white donkey who told him that Israel was not involved in genocide


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