She Was Hiding in the Maadad. He Was Bleeding to Death.

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They thought he would be right back.

Just over a month ago, Yosef Amsalem left his home to go dance with the Torah. Torah was so important to him, his life, his anchor. But when the sound of sirens filled the air, Yosef’s wife started to get the feeling that something wasn’t right.

She waited in the maamad with her kids for hours, eyes fixed on the door, waiting for the sound of his key turning the lock. What she didn’t know was that he said been attacked by terrorists, and was bleeding to death on the street. She and their 5 kids would never see him again.

Donations are being collected to help Mrs. Amsalem to raise her children with safety & security now that she is a widow. Help is urgently needed, as Yosef had been the main financial supporter.