SHOCKING: As Diaspora Jewry Snoozes, The Reform Plan Disturbing Changes for the Kosel

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“Jewry outside of Israel is asleep,” is the way one Israeli askan put it, referring to the lack of an outcry regarding the plans of the Reform movement for the Kosel Hamaarovi.

The Reform has demanded control of large parts of the Kosel to establish a strictly “Reform Wall” there.

The company behind the design and execution of the Reform’s plans is Handel Architects, which operates mainly in the United States and Abu Dhabi and is behind several well-known projects in the world.

According to documents that have been obtained, under Reform control, the Kosel will be divided into a men’s section, a women’s section, and – for the first time – a mixed Reform plaza, with mixed prayers.

According to the plan, three different floors will be built at the Kosel, and the Women of the Wall and others will be able to hold their prayer gatherings in the mixed section without compunction.

Handel Architects has stated that “the company was asked to assist the Israeli government, the Reform and Conservative movements of Judaism, as well as the Women of the Western Wall, in creating an equal prayer space adjacent to the Western Wall plaza.”

It was further explained that “the purpose of the design was to create a civic space that would give equal status to these religious groups that have been marginalized in modern Israeli society. This new place of worship will be located in the current archeological park, between the Davidson Center, the Western Wall and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

The company noted in its official document that the projects “poses a number of design challenges, including a combination of significant existing archeological structures, as well as topographic obstacles as a result of the significant elevation changes across a number of sites.”

The cost of establishing the Reform Kosel will be about NIS 35 million, which is slated – shockingly – to all come from public funds in Israel’s state budget. has been told that at the present time, the chareidi MKs in Israel feel powerless for various reasons in fighting this fight to preserve the sanctity of the Kosel. “The outcry must come from religious Jewry outside of Israel,” was told. “That’s the only way a stop can be put to this.”

The current Israeli government, led by Naftali Bennett, is expected to approve the new Kosel setup, initially approved on January 31, 2016. The proposal was later frozen at the request of the religious factions in Israel, but now, the current government is seeking to re-approve it, thus recognizing for the first time non-Orthodox sects, granting them official status in the most sacred place for the Jewish people.

According to the proposal, there will be one entrance to the entire Kosel complex, which cannot be bypassed. The entrance will be divided into three checkpoints, men, women, and mixed. After inspection, each person can choose which Kosel he or she wants to visit, Orthodox or Reform.

{ Israel}


  1. “Jewry outside of Israel is asleep”? How about Jewry IN Israel doing something? You guys live there! That Israeli Jewry allowed reform into the country is inexcusable!

    • The Reform Movement needs no special visa to enter Israel, as long as they’re speaking in the name of “American Jewry” and they’re not being refuted loudly in Israel by Orthodox American Jews, they are being believed by the left.

  2. excuse me, but those are NOT religious groups. they are rabble raisers who are trying to change the kosel the same way that people are trying to change their gender. once you open the ‘diaper’ , one can figure out how dirty their plans really are

  3. Just stop looking for attention, by giving them their attention. If we would just ignore them they would stop. There is no imminent danger with them, because our children will never leave orthodoxy to become reform. They do not attract the young generation.
    Of course we are nervous about our children. But that is that they might CH”V become totally secular, not reform.

  4. No no no. We must bend over backwards and twist ourselves into pretzels in order to be dan licaf zchus. Where is your ahavat yitrael?


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