‘Shocking’: Cuomo Says Most New Coronavirus Hospitalizations Are People Who Had Been Staying Home

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Most new Covid-19 hospitalizations in New York state are from people who were staying home and not venturing much outside, a “shocking” finding, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.

The preliminary data was from 100 New York hospitals involving about 1,000 patients, Cuomo said at his daily briefing.

It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%.

“If you notice, 18% of the people came from nursing homes, less than 1% came from jail or prison, 2% came from the homeless population, 2% from other congregate facilities, but 66% of the people were at home, which is shocking to us,” Cuomo said.

“This is a surprise: Overwhelmingly, the people were at home,” he added. “We thought maybe they were taking public transportation, and we’ve taken special precautions on public transportation, but actually no, because these people were literally at home.”

Read more at CNBC.



  1. I honestly don’t think that is a raya because the people that stayed home were the people that were more at risk. So even if they were largely at home (because of fears for their health) even if they went out just once they were very likely to get sick…and those people were the ones that if they were to get sick they would get VERY sick. hence the hospitalizations for the people that were largely at home…
    on the other hand, the people that felt safe going out felt safe for a reason…they were obviously not old or sick…
    Get it?

  2. Considering 97% of New Yorkers have been sheltering at home, the shocking statistic is that 34% of admissions were NOT

  3. Considering 97% of New Yorkers have been sheltering at home, the shocking statistic is that 34% of admissions were NOT

  4. Just because they were not working does not mean that they were keeping “social distancing” rules or wearing masks, That’s an equally important question. If the answer is no, then that’s the factor & not just staying t home.
    Lies, lies, and statistics

    • Simcha,
      Why, is the Gemera (b’k 61a) and Zohar calling for all to stay home at the time if an epidemic related to any party?

      Why is this a partisan issue?

      How about R Akiva Eiger is he a Dem as well?

      • R akiva eiger during the Cholera epidemic held that minyanim should not be stopped. Rather he made a limit to the participants in each minyan.
        The partisan issue is how extreme to restrict people.

  5. Why isnt anyone talking about dosage? People who go out frequently but with a mask get exposed to a small dose of the virus each time and slowly the body learns to beat it.
    But people who are staying home all the time and then get a medium dose of the virus get affected by it much more.

  6. This is balony. Of course anyone admitted when asked the question will say they are staying ‘mostly’ at home even if they aren’t. What does mostly mean anyway? It means 51% of the time. 49% is enough to catch it


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