New York City’s Public Advocate says schools should immediately return to remote learning as the Omicron coronavirus variant sweeps across the city, the NY Post.
“NYC schools should go remote starting Mon (should’ve been last week). A no-brainer as we near recess,” Jumaane Williams said in a tweet.
Even as city schools report record numbers of COVID-19 cases, Mayor Bill de Blasio has resisted a return to lockdowns. “No no no,” he told WNYC’s Brian Lehrer when asked if he supported closing schools. “Don’t fight yesterday’s war … This is not March of 2020. We’re one of the most highly vaccinated places in the United States of America.”
P U B L I C I T Y S T U N T. Public advocates are usually in line for Mayor. He is pivoting against DeBlas, just like Blas made last-minute edicts to show “strength” on his record.
“Shut him up”! Don’t give him more say and clout than he actually has as public advocate! He’s no dummy and we need to watch out for him. By running for public advocate he took the path of least resistance to the top. (He learned from deBlassio what was possible. DeBlassio didn’t take the advocate job as a stepping stone, he’s not smart enough, Jumanee did). For all that don’t know, he’s next in line should Adams need to step down. He also gets loads of screen and air time and great press since he’s “public advocate”. G-d help us all. As Babu used to say…” he’s a very bad man”
In his capacity as public advocate, does he have the legal power to carry out this mandate of his?
100% agree. At least they won’t be able to inject anyone with the toxic poison without parent’s consent.
Ubrban NYC schools shut down or open ..RE: education does not make a difference
They’ll be on the streets doing crime instead of being in school. It does make a difference
well, it seems like a good idea to have physically healthy kids who are totally academically uneducated. this country is dumb enough as it is after a year of no school. i shudder to think that the kids/now adults will be running this country when my grandchildren grow up. this must be a sign of ivisah d’mishicha
At this point this is so clearly not about Corona anymore that it is dangerous. How are people supposed to take Corona measure when such obvious political stunts are being played with them.
“Jumaane Williams opened up Thursday about his personal opposition to same-gendermarriage and abortion—positions that make him an outlier in the Democratic conference and which threaten his chances of getting the top job.”
From Politico
Before you throw him under the bus, we as Frum Yidden should give him a second look. Hochul is an evil vile woman. Mr. Williams is a lot better than her for Governor.
He is just as bad as AOC fact
“We’re one of the most highly vaccinated places in the United States of America.”
Williams is right and De Blasio is again acting foolish. What matters is the number of cases and we are having record numbers of cases.
“Mr. Williams is a lot better than her for Governor.”
Unfortunately, Mr. Williams is wrong on just about everything else. In particular he is a big buddy of the Jew-hating Liinda Sarsour. He also is a loud “defund police” advocate — while living under the protection of M16-armed guards at an army base. IF you want more crime and more anti-Semitic attacks, Williams is your guy!
Sad that a Jew would support him just because he doesn’t like Gays. The most enthusiastic cupporter of Jewish issues, including support for Israel, in the NYC congressional delegation is Rep. Ritchie Torres from the Bronx, a Gay Afro-Latino who spoke recently at an orthodox synagogue in my neighborhood.
I live in NYC, not Israel. I pay taxes here in NY, not Israel. I have to worry about my family and friends HERE. I have to worry about my survival HERE. I have to worry about my Yiddishkiet HERE. Why is support for Israel always bandied about when whenever we have elections HERE?! When a crooked politician runs for office in Israel, do the voters there get all worked up about the candidates support of the United States?! Are they concerned how their Prime Minister will deal with Frum Yidden living in Brooklyn? This “support of Israel” card in every American election, local and Federal, is nauseating. It has to stop.
It’s Zionist idolatry. Literal idolatry. And silly.
I think Mr. Williams got it spot on. He is a no-brainer!!!
He’s definitely a brainer , you on the other hand…