SICKENING: CNN Homepage States, “There’s Nothing More Frightening In America Today Than An Angry White Man”

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It’s official: CNN is off the rails.

Tonight, the so-called new network has been featuring a homepage with the blaring headline: “There’s Nothing More Frightening In America Today Than An Angry White Man.”

The headline is followed by “analysis” by John Blake of CNN,” who states, “I’ve watched three separate trials about White male violence unfold across the US these past few weeks — the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, the Ahmaud Arbery death trial and the civil case against organizers of the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville — I’ve come to a sobering conclusion: There is nothing more frightening in America today than an angry White man.”

Blake goes on to state that “It’s not the ‘radical Islamic terrorist’ that I fear the most. Nor is it the brown immigrant or the fiery Black Lives Matter protester, or whatever the latest bogeyman is that some politician tells me I should dread. It’s encountering an armed White man in public who has been inspired by the White men on trial in these three cases.”




  1. Maybe he should watch the FBI video released just in time for the closing arguments and he would realize that the three angry white BLM protesters were the freightening ones that night.

  2. The only way it will change is CNN has to lose a lot of money.

    I would have changed the headline to say, “There’s Nothing More Frightening In America Today Than A Socialist Liberal Democrat.”

  3. In Sedom too the person who defended himself was punished. These fake news people are out of their mind, but it’s the useful idiots who form their opinions after watching these leftists that I fear the most. They are the ones who mail in their ballots.

  4. Chris Wray and Joe Biden have already told us that. White supremacy is thee greatest threat facing this Nation. It’s not the black on black crime and murder. It’s those white domestic terrorist parents that keep blacks up at night.

  5. “There is nothing more frightening in America today than an angry White man”?
    This statement makes me angry, which is something I would normally be okay with, but now I’m frightened of myself, and I’m afraid to look in the mirror now.

  6. The liberal media are racists! Imagine if someone would write “there is nothing more frightening in America today than an angry black man”. It’s pure racism.

  7. Angry white man? What if he is angry at the rampaging and looting black man, who is destroying his property, and endangering lives?
    Is there anyone sane who would NOT be angry at that?

  8. The Rittenhouse case can be explained very simply; CNN, MSNBC and other progressive liberal media say, there were no riots only peaceful protests therefore Rittenhouse was the aggressor and Rosenbaum was a victim. In addition, he crossed state lines with an illegal firearm. Fox news, Newsmax and other conservatives say, Th ere were riots, anarchy, and mayhem. Rittenhouse went there to protect property and lives. The videos and witness testimony clearly show this. the fact that he crossed stat lines with an illegal firearm has no bearing on the fact that he acted in self-defense. You choose who you want to believe.


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