SICKO SANDERS: Sen. Bernie Says ‘Israel Has Broken International Law’ and ‘American Law’

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Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) joins Meet the Press to discuss Israel’s actions in Gaza and his decision to run for re-election.



  1. This momzer is the cause of all the ills the left woke socialists have wrought on this country. He started a revolution in this country when he ran in 2016. It became real in 2018 when AOC won and it has grown into a stage 4 cancer ever since.
    Just goes to show you what 1 man (with the media) can accomplish.

  2. This Palestinian sympathizer celebrates October 7th. He’s a disgrace to the human race! I don’t want my tax dollars to pay his salary!

  3. Hey Burneee, how was your weekend? Alive yet? Are you going after Nixon for Agent Orange, Reagan for the Marines dead in Lebanon, Carter for the Iran fiasco. Where do you stop Burneee? How about them Portuguese for the slave trade and the Japan infiltration. Please Burnee, go after them all.

  4. I know you’re not supposed to wish bad things on another jew, but i really hope this man suffers a major coronary and drops dead soon. Nobody will miss him, except the NK.

  5. Clearly if this piece of garbage would have been in mitzrayim, he would have been among the 4/5 that didn’t make it out. The same is going to happen now whenever Moshiach comes.


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