Israelis stood in silence while a two-minute siren was heard across the country at 10 a.m. this morning, in remembrance of the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust.
All pedestrians, traffic and public transport stood in place to pay homage to the victims of the Nazi genocide, in which a third of world Jewry was annihilated.
This activity in the middle of Nissan is incorrect and it’s not Tisha B’av now. It celebrates all the wrong things and should be done only on Tisha B’av
Go tell this to the tzionim. This entire “standing dumb” for the victims makes absolutely no sense for remembering the victims nor does anyone give a hoot. Why don’t they broadcast Kaddish?
You are absolutely correct. (1) Hespeid and teinis are prohibited in Nisan and (2) it is doubtful they are presenting much about the tremendous mesirus nefesh for Torah and mitzvos even as they were walking in the valley of death.
Go tell this to the “Big chachamim” in the K’nesset.
Well, it is Nissan, and it is Sefira, a mourning period, when we commemorate the death of R’ Akiva’s students, plus Tac” V’tat, and much of the Holocaust occured in this period. It is VERY PROPER to do it.
You are absolutely correct. (1) Hespeid and teinis are prohibited in Nisan and (2) it is doubtful they are presenting much about the tremendous mesirus nefesh for Torah and mitzvos even as they were walking in the valley of death.
Right. Go tell this to the maspidim in Nissan in chutz who start out by saying: ” Well, really we can’t be maspid, but……………”
Then on and on and on.