Liberal billionaire George Soros has donated large amount of funds for last-gasp attempts to increase turnout in battleground states among both Blacks and Hispanics, The Washington Free Beacon reported over the weekend.
The Soros-backed Democracy PAC gave $500,000 each to the Black PAC and the Somos PAC, which concentrate on encouraging those in the Black and Latino communities to vote in as high percentages as possible, according to Federal Election Commission records released in recent days.
This push comes after Soros also recently donated millions to boost electoral efforts in both Pennsylvania and Michigan, in addition to approximately $70 million he has spent on the 2020 campaign, triple the amount he gave four years ago in the last presidential election.
Read more at NEWSMAX.
Oh, ya sure. When was the last time anyone saw him? This is an old photo. The current picture of him is proof that he joined Biden and the Clintons a while ago.
Well spent tzeddakah. זאל זיין א זכות פאר זיין….
Zul er shoin paigerin
Er iz shoin lang gepeigert. May Hashem give President Trump hatzlachah to eradicate them all.
Sheldon Adelson has given more. (I looked it up!)