South American Philanthropist Pledges $25 Million to Beth Medrash Govoha

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In a monumental display of generosity, a philanthropist from South America visited Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ yesterday and pledged an astounding $5 million annually for the next five years to support the yungerleit learning in the yeshiva, has learned.

This commitment will provide a total of $25 million, directly benefiting the talmidei chachamim and their families who dedicate their lives to limud haTorah.

The announcement comes on the heels of BMG’s recent decision to raise the monthly kollel stipend by 5%, increasing it to $1,100 per month, as noted in a missive shared by the yeshiva hanhalah this week.

The South American benefactor’s pledge represents a critical infusion of support that will further enhance the yeshiva’s ability to sustain its yungeleit as part of its current Adirei HaTorah initiative.




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