STAGGERING: One In 1,000 Americans Have Died From COVID-19

Bloomberg photo by Nathan Laine.
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COVID-19 has killed more than one in every 1,000 Americans, data shows.

With a population of 328 million, the US has recorded at least 331,000 virus-related deaths, according to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University.

Meanwhile, December has become the deadliest month since the start of the pandemic — with more than 63,000 Americans killed by the virus in the past 26 days, CNN reported.

By comparison, the nation recorded 36,964 deaths in the entire previous month.

Read more at NY Post.



  1. This is simply not true.
    Even the CDC said in August, when the count was 160,000, that 94% (!) were people who died from an average of “2.6 comorbidities”…
    That means only 9,600 died from Covid alone.
    Now the numbers are double, so it means approximately 20,000 died from Coronavirus alone.
    In case you think I am playing with words, Governor Pritzker had a press conference and he gave over the microphone to his Health director who said openly, “if someone has a heart attack but is tested positive for corona, we record it as a corona death!!!”
    No conspiracy theories: this was open at a press conference!
    (A Stamford ER doctor ssked on a YouTube video “why are we doctors being pressured to write ‘corona’ on the death certificate?” After 1.5 million views in a day or so, you tube took down the video.)

  2. That’s a lie! After the Hospital Holocaust in April, there were a fewer people who died this year than other years according to the Chevra Kadisha.

    • And the others died from another cause or was murdered in the hospital. Not one person in the world died from this non-existent virus that was initiated 3 years before the scamdemic even started.

  3. Oy Gevalt! What a bunch of deniers. Yes, people with pre-existing conditions are more likely to die of covid. That doesn’t mean they died of something else. They died of covid. Actual scientists agree that the death count is an underestimate, because many people die of covid without ever getting tested.


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