Still No Leads: The Kleinerman Family Welcomes A New Baby Boy

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The family of Moishy Kleinerman in the city of Modiin Illit is celebrating a simcha, as his mother, Gitti Kleinerman, gave birth to a baby boy today, b’sha’ah tovah.

The family, which has been living in uncertainty for over two years, is still searching for any clue that could lead to solving the mystery of Moishy’s disappearance.

For over two years, his father, R’ Shmuel, and his mother, Gitti, filled with faith and tefillah, have been doing everything they can to bring Moishy home.

For more than two and a half years, Gitti has been appealing to the people of Israel:
“If anyone saw Moishy, if someone saw something, if Moishy said something to them—even something small that they may not think is significant—I am asking and pleading for them to inform us. We would appreciate any information. Even something that seems unimportant to you might be very important and could solve the mystery of where our Moishy is.”

Today, as mentioned, the family has celebrated the birth of another son, with the hope that they will merit seeing Moishy healthy and whole, back home with them.

{ Israel}


  1. Can someone please find out the correct name for tefillah? Also for the parents, they’re suffering terribly. May Hashem send yeshuos to them and all Klal Yisroel.


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