Study: Wearing A Used Mask Could Be Worse Than No Mask

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Wearing a used mask could be more dangerous than not wearing one at all when it comes to warding off COVID-19, a new study has found.

A new three-layer surgical mask is 65 percent efficient in filtering particles in the air — but when used, that number drops to 25 percent, according to the study published Tuesday in the Physics of Fluids.

Researchers from the University of Massachusetts Lowell and California Baptist University say that masks slow down airflow, making people more susceptible to breathing in particles — and a dirty face mask can’t effectively filter out the tiniest of droplets.

Read more at NY Post.



  1. Mask wearing is a total farce as it doesn’t protect you nor does it protect others, as has been well proven.

    Besides, Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy

    Face masks cause tuberculosis, heart attack, asphyxia. Asphyxiation is the state or process of being deprived of oxygen, which can result in unconsciousness or death; suffocation.

    • If wearing facemasks is so dangerous, how are doctors, construction workers, painters, scientists, dentists, and all other professions that wear masks all day not dead? Also, how does a mask cause you to get TB, a disease caused by bacteria? Do the masks spontaneously generate bacteria?

  2. I was looking for an inexpensive used surgical mask. With the money I save buying a used mask I hope to purchase bubble gum for my kids for the last days of Hanukah. So far, I was able to locate a used mask in the classified section. The mask was owned by only one owner, and it went through monthly maintenance repairs. It’s not in mint condition, but it looks presentable, and seems to work smoothly with no apparent glitches. The guy wanted $2.75 for the mask; I offered $1.95, and he hung up the phone on me; I guess I’ll keep looking.

  3. No no no. Whomever wrote this piece is a rodef and a rotziach and it’s a chiyuv to be maaser on him. How many more nishamos have to go before you people take responsibility?! Now I hear these rotzchim will not be taking the vaccine. Terrible terrible situation. We must be maaser on them until there are no more of them.


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