Successful Frum Female Lawyer’s Biggest Mistake

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Ever since she was a little girl, Sara knew what she wanted to be.


From a young age Sara Gottesman possessed excellent communication skills, incredible analytical skills and a burning desire to help others. So when it came to choosing her career path, it was clear that she was a natural lawyer. The Israeli-born Sara finished seminary, attended a women’s only college in Eretz Yisroel and immediately received internship offers upon graduating. She eventually got married and had three beautiful children who admired their mother’s incredible strength of character, resilience, and poise.


But even the best lawyers can make mistakes.


Several weeks ago, Sara began to suffer from very painful and sporadic spasms in her back.  When she could not bear the pain anymore, she received a CT scan in Hadassah Hospital where to the entire Gottesman family’s horror, they were told that their 48-year-old mother has stage 4 lung cancer. Sara’s husband and three kids Aidel, Mordechai and Nesanel report that they are all in a state of shock.


“It’s been surreal for all of us,” shared Aidel several days ago.


“We are watching the woman who we used to think was invincible growing weaker with every passing day. She tries to be brave for us, but when we go back home after visiting her, we can hear her sobbing quietly in her room.”

Twenty-year-old Aidel shares how her life has been full of ups and downs, and how her mother has always been her constant. But now, Aidel admits that she can’t sleep at night for fear of what heartbreaking news she may wake to every morning. The saddest part is that the doctors know exactly which kind of treatments can Save Sara’s life, but she isn’t working and her family is very much struggling financially. They have nowhere near the amount needed to afford the treatments that her life directly depends on. Sadly, if Sara would have had the foresight to receive the CT scan a bit earlier, the cancer would not be as deadly as it is today.


Several days ago Aidel opened a chesedfund page where she shared a heartbreaking message with the public: “My mother has always been there for me, through everything, and I can’t lose her. The only thing standing in the way of her staying alive is money. Please, have rachmanus on me and my siblings and help us save her life.”


The Gottesman family is praying that they will raise enough funds in time. They are currently very far from their goal, but they know that anything is possible with Hashem’s help. To send them a much-needed message of hope, click here.



  1. May HaShem send her and her whole familly Bracot and a refuah shlemah (a complete healing).

    She did not make any mistake or commit any sin. Just like Rebbi Akiva and the other martyrs we read on Yom Cipur who suffered whithout doing anything wrong it is the same with her.

  2. I totally agree with Rafael, but I take it a step further. I find it absolutely despicable that Matzav should fault Sara
    for not having gone for a CT scan sooner than she did. Should one who has a bad headache go immediately for a
    brain scan ? Of course not ! Take a Motrin or Advil pill first, and then, after taking such pills at least a few times,
    go for a brain scan if the headache doesn’t go away. Matzav owes the world, and especially Sara herself, for their
    saying that Sara made a mistake, playing cutesy on the theme of her being a lawyer !
    – Josh Darabaner

  3. It’s the typical collector’s wording (or the ppl paid to write the stuff) that had made the whole process of collections into an outrageous situation.. anything to raise another buck…i remember about a year ago there was an ad for collections that had some nutty title that the mother of the unwell child “wishes they had mixed her child up in the hospital and not given her this child because of the plight”! While tzedaka is a huge mitzvah, and being creative sometimes is the key, lying, exaggerating, and luring using untrue headlines somehow just don’t seem okay to me. I feel like we have been conditioned over time to skip over these dramatic titles knowing what they are…of course it would be appropriate for one to give tzedaka regardless, but to stoop so low and make it into a sensational situation, to me it feels degrading to the family , the same with posting their pictures.. I’m sure in some situations they consent but i dont buy it that in each case, every family member in the picture is aware and okay with it. Over the last couple years it became the “norm”, yet i feel we lost our sensitivity by falling into this trap. Can it be the Ribbono shel Olam needs us to post pictures and graphic details of families’ personal tzaros to bring them a yeshua??? I don’t claim to have all the answers, I just have some very strong questions!

  4. Wow ! What “Malka” has posted here is exactly what my wife has said, and it happens to be
    that, by coincidence, my wife’s name is also Malka, although I know this is not her post here.
    Who knows ? Maybe Matzav, how sad, is really enjoying the furor it has generated !

    – Josh Darabaner


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