SUPPORTING TERRORISTS: New Biden Deputy Director Once Justified Palestinian Suicide Bombings

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President-elect Joe Biden chose two staffers of top Democratic leaders in Congress to help his administration negotiate legislation, as he continues to fill out his White House staffing.
Reema Dodin and Shuwanza Goff were each named deputy director of the Office of Legislative Affairs.
Reema Dodin is of Palestinian Arab descent.
In 2002, during the height of the murderous Palestinian terror spree that was killing Jews daily, she spoke at a church in Lodi, CA:

It’s a voice she said America is ignoring.

It’s a voice she said the media are not publicizing.
It’s the voice of the Palestinians, and Wednesday night, Reema Dodin, a Palestinian-American student from University of California, Berkeley, spoke to a group of Lodians about the conflict in Israel from the Palestinian perspective.
And Lodi listened.
… She described an Israel where Palestinians have lost hope and are getting desperate.
“The suicide bombers were the last resort of a desperate people,” Dodin said.


  1. she’s not the first anti-semite and not the last anti-semite on Biden’s team!!!!!!!!!!!!

    the DemocRATS / SOCIALISTS / COMMUNIST party is full of them………………………


  2. She’s great. It’s time we hit back at the racist Jews that supported Trump. Joe Biden is the greatest friend of the Jewish people. He needs to make sure Israel stops their apartheid practices against the Palestinian Nation.


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