Suspect Indicted For Planning 9/11-Style Attack

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A Kenyan national plotted for years to launch a 9/11-style terror attack against the US, learning how to fly a plane and scheming to sneak into the country, federal prosecutors said Wednesday in indicting the man.

Operating under the orders of African terror group al-Shabaab, Cholo Abdi Abdullah “sought to obtain pilot training, test flaws in airport security, and take other steps for hijacking a civil aircraft,” prosecutors with the Southern District of New York alleged in a 19-page indictment unsealed Wednesday.

In late 2016, Abdullah enrolled in a flight school in the Philippines, where he studied into 2019, eventually earning his pilot’s license, according to authorities.

Simultaneously, he conducted research into topics including “security on commercial airliners and how to breach a cockpit door from the outside, information about the tallest building in a major U.S. city, and information about how to obtain a US visa,” according to the indictment.

Read more at NY Post.




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