Sweden Resisted A Lockdown, And Its Capital Stockholm Is Expected To Reach ‘Herd Immunity’ In Weeks

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CNBC reports: Its neighbors closed borders, schools, bars and businesses as the coronavirus pandemic swept through Europe, but Sweden went against the grain by keeping public life as unrestricted as possible.

The strategy — aimed at allowing some exposure to the virus in order to build immunity among the general population while protecting high-risk groups like the elderly — has been controversial. Some health experts liken it to playing Russian roulette with public health.

But now, the country’s chief epidemiologist said the strategy appears to be working and that “herd immunity” could be reached in the capital Stockholm in a matter of weeks.

“In major parts of Sweden, around Stockholm, we have reached a plateau (in new cases) and we’re already seeing the effect of herd immunity and in a few weeks’ time we’ll see even more of the effects of that. And in the rest of the country, the situation is stable,” Dr. Anders Tegnell, chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, told CNBC on Tuesday.

Herd immunity among a population, usually achieved through vaccination, is reached when around 60% of citizens are deemed immune. Without a vaccine for the coronavirus, however, scientists are looking at whether exposure to and recovery from Covid-19 leads to long-term immunity. Reinfections of coronavirus have been reported. Read more at CNBC.



  1. herd immunity = herd death
    In 1918 almost 100 million people were killed from “herd immunity” vaccination, not from the flu that fake news has been foolish the public with.

  2. This is only a prediction of course. Let’s see it really happen. Sweden had five times the deaths of similar countries.

    It’s possible that it will happen. Even so you don’t gamble peoples live’s on that assumption

  3. and how many people died?
    in BP 700 people died.
    each person is someones husband, wife, bubbie zaidie, child
    each nefesh is important – to be callous is the way of esav
    life matters, even chayei shaa.

  4. I believe that this is a country that is ok with euthanasia and abortion on demand. Banned shechita though…Not known for it being a proponent of human life. No surprise that they would be fine with risking the lives of their citizens with this direction.

    • ” … not known for being a proponent of human life.”
      Ms. Stern, may I remind you that Sweden offered shelter to all the Jews who reached its borders during WWII, among them Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe, ז”ל. May I also remind you the Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish national and the Swedish embassy in Budapest saved tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of Jews? How many Jews did you save?

  5. I guess the Swedish leadership likes to gamble. This terrible virus is still largely not understood. The latest theory is that among other things it causes blood clots in younger people which leads to storkes. As the article stated they are not sure that getting Covid 19 grants immunity.

    Gambling with human lives is unconscionable.

  6. Why is everyone so negative about this strategy. It is possible to be better this way. A higher death rate now doesn’t mean more people will die. 100 people per day for 4 weeks and 400 people per day for 1 week is the same thing without the negative impact of the shutdown.

    • To Thinking,
      You are correct that ‘flattening the curve’ is not beneficial if the same number of people die. The point of flattening is so that the healthcare system does not get too overloaded at one time, causing unnecessary deaths. If NY and NJ would have not instituted a shutdown, then many many people who have b’H recovered would not have respirators and would have died only due to an overwhelmed system.


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