It’s shear terror.
Things are getting hairy for barbers in Afghanistan’s Helmand province, where the Taliban police have banned them from shaving or trimming beards in violation of Islamic law, the BBC reports.
“No one has a right to complain,” reads a notice by the militant group that warns barbers to adhere to the strict Sharia law.
Some barbers in the capital city of Kabul also have been warned by the Taliban, who said that all violators face harsh punishment.
Read more at NY Post.
Their religion is so similar to our Torah Shebeksav , that it’s really scary. If people that lived in the time of the Shoftim would come to us now, they would be much more familiar with the Taliban religion than with ours.
Torah She Baal Peh was given by Hashem at the same time as Torah She Be Ktav. It is one and the same Torah. Torah SheBaal Peh explains Torah She Be Ktav. Torah She be Ktav is an encrypted text, the notes of the lecture given by Hashem. Without Torah SheBaal Peh you can’t understand Torah SheBe Ktav. As a side note, Torah She Baal Peh is not just a huge text explaining Torah SheBaal Peh but rather it is a set of rules and Drashes given by Hashem for the sages of every generations to put them together like the pieces of a huge puzzle. And we find in Rambam and in Gemorah that in every generation there was a Beis Din that was doing exactly that, Darshening Torah SheBeKtav using Torah She Baal Peh. Dovid HaMelach had a Beis Din, and Moshe Rabeinu had a Beis Din and Yehosua Bin Nun had a Beis Din, they all had a Beis Din and did a Lehavdil research of Torah She BeKtav using as a tool Torah She Baal Peh. So at no point in our history our Torosainu HaKdusha was like what ever it is by Taliban. If they want to be righteous they should follow Sheva Mitzvos Bney Noach, and not to do things that Hashem did not command them, like growing beards, and claim that Hashem commended those things to them and that they are the new Israel, Has Ve Sholom.
Raboysai we could learn from this chevra. Attention BP /Flatbush barbers. Stop trimming our kodesh beards. A beard is holyer than a peyots.
Kick not what you can for your home-creation. Kick back what you can for your father. Do both.
Even though the Dolphins no longer have the bearded Ryan Fitzpatrick as their go-to quarterback this year, they still put on a pretty impressive game yesterday, even though they lost in overtime. Jacoby Brissett had a decent game. He is still a hundred times better than the little shrimp Tua Tagovailoa.
Cool neck bum. Yes the guy is better off. He drives his caravan.
Never assume its an art. Blood bushy war.
Yatti, we believing Jews believe that the Torah Shbaal peh was practiced at the time of the Shofti
The truth of the matter is that the beard enhances the looks of the person, as Chazal say. Most beardless men are so not handsome. A beard would enhance their appearance.
Yeh, but if you want to look young, you have to shave.