Teacher “Jumped Into Action” After Student Collapsed

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It was chaos at the back of the classroom as a group of concerned girls stood over the shaking body of 18-year-old Chani Goldstein*. Chani had suddenly collapsed and was weeping uncontrollably. For a terrifying 10 minutes, she gasped for air, sure she was dying.

A trip to the nurse revealed that she had had a panic attack. A trip to the rabbi revealed much more.

Chani’s “story” was known to the school. She had lost her father to coronavirus shortly after the beginning of the year. Her mother insisted she continue with seminary, but that day, she had gotten a call from her little sister. There was no food in the house, no money for clothes. Their mother spoke in whispers to neighbors about not being able to pay the bills. Everything was falling apart.

With a heart full of fear and grief, Chani sat at the desk of the Rav, and cried once more.

Stories like this tragically become more common than ever in the past year. The rabbanim who advise those in need have been overwhelmed with stories of tragedy & hardship.

A group of talmidei chachamim who have operated in secret doing chesed for those in need are now being represented by Rav Reuven Elbaz shlit”a:

In the Rav’s own words, saving these lives will “stand next to” donors this coming Yom Kippur. Those who like to receive the Rav’s blessing by donating to this sourced confirmed as urgent & trustworthy by several rabbanim can do so here for a limited time.

*Details changed to protect the families’ privacy 


  1. This is a great story. The lesson learned should be:
    Every Rebbe Must be a Hatzalah member – not to go on calls but to save and avoid such situations again.
    Every Morah Must be a Ezras Nashim member – not to go on calls – CHAS VESHOLOM – but to save and avoid such situations again.

  2. By age 18 every girl and boy should have taken a 60 hour BLS course.
    The Mother must register for meals by tzedaka organizations that DO exist. I know too many who are too proud to register for Kimcha DePischa or Tomchai Shabbos or Shachayn Tov etc. But are happy to have their stories plastered over the internet. Tragically these stories are not flattering our kehilla and the youth are getting the message to leave Torah as a Torah lifestyle leads to poverty.
    Im Ain Kemach Ain Torah

  3. Sad story For!

    For the most part the masses underestimate the daunting task of being a Morah or Rebbi. There is so much within a child’s heart and mind and the Morah/Rebbi who is in-tune picks up on it and acts as a trained social worker. Kehilla Rabbanim and Rebbitzens are no different but the overwhelming public doesn’t know or see this part of their job.
    The Kapishnitzer Rebbe (Rav Moshe’le) zatzal once, during a personal moment, lamented that he doesn’t think he’s going to live long. Said he, “the heart can’t withstand the Yiddishe tears shared with him!” (He was in his low 40s when he left this world.) These people, of whom Shlomo haMelech said, מצדיקי הרבים ככוכבים לעולם ועד, interpret Chazal, these are the Rabbeim of children. They are true heros who should be celebrated.


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