Tefillos for Rav Matisyahu Salomon

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All are asked to say Tehillim for Rav Matisyahu Salomon, mashgiach of Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, who is in need of a refuah shleimah after contracting COVID-19, the coronavirus, before Yom Tov.

Rav Salomon was born in Gateshead, England, a son of R’ Yaakov and Ettil Salomon. During his yeshiva and kollel years, he studied for 16 years with Rav Chaim Kaufman, who went on to found the Gateshead Yeshiva L’tzeirim. Rav Salomon also learned under Rav Elyah Lopian, albeit for a short period of time, but he considers Rav Elya as a primary rebbi.

Rav Salomon became mashgiach ruchani of Gateshead Yeshiva, a position he held for more than 30 years. He was mashgiach in Gateshead Yeshiva initially under Rav Moshe Schwab and then as the senior mashgiach, before moving to Lakewood in the spring of 1998, at which time he became the address for those seeking hadracha and advice on any of a number of hashkafah issues and chinuch habonim. 

The name for Tehillim is Matisyahu Chaim ben Ettil.

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  1. I hope they are giving him Hydroxychloroquine and perhaps Doxycycline (instead of Azithromycin) and Zinc

    I believe part of this terrible Gezeira that came in the form of COVID-19 was also the fact that most Yiddisher Doctors are misguided and blinded by FAKE PROPAGANDA, that many patients could have been saved by getting these drugs earlier on, but instead the doctors just told them to stay home and rest while they were getting sicker and sicker, weaker and weaker…

    Once in the hospital for some it was too late to start these medications

    Doctors who have prescribed these medications even in the face of the EVIL governor’s executive order not to, must have had some kind of zechus that they merited to save people’s lives while other good and righteous doctors have not.

    Hashem yeracheim

  2. And high doses of vitamin C especially Liposomal Vitamin C and Vitamin D as we are all lacking vitamin d from lack of sunlight exposure

  3. Are you the same poster who used to say that coronavirus is another name for the regular flu? If so why should people receive these potentially dangerous medications, such as hydroxycloroquine? Or what made you change your mind?

  4. Let’s leave the procrastination to the family and the doctors. Right now we should be davening for the mashgiach and speaking of his virtues and greatness and how klal yisreal needs this holy gadol within our midst! Hashem, let’s say together, please bring refuahs and yeshuas quickly and painlessly to the mashgiach and all who needs it….

  5. Enough of the bickering!
    Let us be מתפלל for the ראש ישיבה and let it be forgotten how late he and his most esteemed colleagues were in adopting isolation
    ד׳ ירחם עליו


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