Tefillos for Rav Tzvi Menachem Feigenbaum

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All are asked to daven for Rav Tzvi Menachem Feigenbaum, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Kerem Shlomo of Lakewood, NJ, who suffered a heart attack on Friday night.

Rav Feigenbaum is a son-in-law of Rav Meir Stern, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of Passaic.

Rav Feigenbaum is now at Jersey Shore Medical Center in Neptune in an induced coma.

All are asked to daven for Tzvi Menachem ben Chana Yittel.



  1. We are davening for a total refuah. Did he take the Covid vaccine? Might not be the correct time to ask this question, but if he never had heart issues, this vaccine could have easily been the cause.

    • Heart attacks happened before Covid and you’re right it’s not the time to push your anti-vaccine agenda. Just daven for his refuah, wish him well and stop posting stupid insensitive comments

    • Thank You for pointing out this important item. It is a giant To’eles L’Rabim that should further warn people to NOT take any of the Covid vaccines or any of the vaccines that going to be pushed on us.

    • Do you expect anyone to answer? By default, most of the deaths since 2020, including those reported on this site, are sadly related to the convid genocide in hospitals as well as its fakecine. Nobody today would admit they took the shots as it makes them feel like fools for trusting their ‘doctors’ blindly. What has the world come to?

  2. Cardiac arrest means the heart stopped. This can be due a lot of reasons. It does NOT mean he had cardiac issues.

  3. These idiotic anti vaxers have brain issues. They believe prior to covid nobody died of heart disease. Everyone lived till 120 without any medical issues. People’s health only deterioted after they started taking the vaccine

    • Quote: “They believe prior to covid nobody died of heart disease. Everyone lived till 120 without any medical issues.”


      I am EXTREMELY PROUD to say that I happen to be an EXTREMELY VEHEMENT Anti-Vaxxer, and I very well know that MANY DECADES and MANY, MANY, MANY DECADES before Covid: my father’s father, A’H, and one of my father’s brothers, A’H, and one of my mother’s brothers, A’H, and the husbands of her three sisters, A’H, all died from heart attacks. Then, eighteen years before Covid, my father, A’H, HY’D, died from a heart attack. (I add “HY’D” because he WAS MURDERED by the Modern Medical Industry; no, his heart attack was NOT from the Covid vaccine, for, again, this was eighteen years before that. His heart attack was from being put through a major operation that the doctors very well knew would kill him!! Yes, Hashem Yinakem Damo, May The Lord Avenge His Blood — and the blood of the literally countless millions of other people who have been killed by the numerous abuses of the Modern Medical Industry.)

      • 10:37 you’re very right but heart attacks since the quacksine even in elderly have increased over 50%. Have you ever heard of hundreds of children and young adults under 30 having heart attacks before the quacksine?

    • Anonymous 5:27. Have you ever heard of hundreds of children and young adults under 30 having heart attacks before the covid quacksine?

    • So, yes, we Anti-Vaxxers fully know that heart attacks have been around for a long, long time, many years and many centuries BEFORE the word “COVID.” There is no need for any of you or anyone else to tell us that.

      Instead, all we are doing is pointing out the facts that when the Covid vaccines came out and people started using them, suddenly, the NUMBER of heart attacks in the world VERY SHARPLY SHOT UP. And not only with older sick people with cardiovascular problems were these increased number of heart attacks happening. It was happening with young strong active people who were in perfect great health. Once they took a Covid Vaccine though, their lives greatly changed. A few weeks later — with many it was a few days later, with many it was just a few hours later, and with many other, it was barely just a few MINUTES later — they were hit and dead with massive heart attacks.

      Heart attacks in these numbers had never occurred before. Heart attacks in these bizarre ways with young healthy people had never occurred before. It was obvious what was causing them.

      And it was not only heart attacks. Countless young healthy people were hit and dead with massive strokes. Countless other young healthy people were hit and dead with violent convulsions. Those who were not dead were severely paralyzed or maimed with some other severe injury.

      It was glaringly obvious that these new Covid shots were not any kind of “tickets to life”!! Instead, they were tickets to death and horrific pain.

      • COVID itself directly affects the heart. It’s very likely directly from COVID and less likely from the COVID vaccine.

        • But in the days of Covid before the vaccine, there still was not the great increase in heart attacks. As soon as the vaccines started being used though, the number of sudden fatal heart attacks — and many other sudden bizarre deaths — rocketed way up.

  4. Please everyone this is a time of beseeching HKBH for great rachamim for this choleh R’ Tzvi Menachem ben Chana Yita. DAVEN DAVEN DAVEN. He is a tzadik nistar who loves his talmidim and is mechazek them to reach higher and higher. In a minute, he would drop everything to help a bachur. Even after a talmid leaves yeshiva he has tight kesher and keeps one on one mussar sedarim even late at night on a different time zone.


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