The Details of Lev Tahor Leader Shlomo Helbrans’ Drowning

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Four and a half years since the drowning of Lev Tahor leader Shlomo Halbrans, cult escapee Yoel Levi, 20, told Bechadrei Chareidim how it happened.

“[Helbrans] had been told that Zionists and US soldiers were coming to take us back to Israel,” Levi recalled. “They put us on buses on Shabbos and we traveled 15 hours to Mexico, where Helbrans thought it was more secure. As far as he was concerned, it was a life-threatening situation that justified fleeing on Shabbos, so we traveled.”

In Mexico, Helbrans was toiveling in a rain-swollen river one Erev Shabbos while holding onto a rope grasped by his gabbai. The gabbai suddenly noticed that no one was holding the other end, and a search revealed Helbrans’ body amid vegetation and rocks.

In the end, it turned out that the kidnapping warning was false, and the group returned to Guatemala.

The site publicized a photo of Helbrans’ kever together with that of his daughter and Yoel Levy’s father in the forest near the Lev Tahor complex. Because the graves are outside a legal cemetery, they have no headstones to prevent their identification by local officials.

{ Israel}


  1. Nu, leaving no zecher of his kever is a positive thing. Whoever needs to have his nutty followers making his carcass’ dump site into a shrine. There are more than enough avodah zarah locations already, without adding another one.

  2. “Because the graves are outside a legal cemetery, they have no headstones to prevent their identification by local officials.”

    Huh? What?
    Something is not adding up here. So is Helbrans dead or not? Did he flee elsewhere like Jeffrey Epstein did? Levy’s story only makes it more confusing.

  3. He looks like a heiligeh Yid. I guess we’ll never really know. I don’t know if we can trust everything this kid is saying. Are we to believe everything he says without checking or verifying?

    • “He looks like a heiligeh Yid. I guess we’ll never really know.” LOL! Did you just come out of a cave? It’s amazing how many sick ignorant people like yourself are even part of the Klal.

    • Heiliger Yid?
      Why don’t you peruse some photos of Ayatollah Khomeini, mit a lange bord, emesdiger hadras ponim, under the local version of a spodek.

      If holiness depended on looks alone ….. then, between the rolled back eyes of unwashed Indian gurus, and the pristine white ankle-length super tzniusdig dress of the pope, you know the rest.

    • What makes him a heilige yid? His beard? Knowing what he did with his cult as soon as he became BT makes him a criminal and not a heilige yid. I doubt he drowned. Either he committed suicide because he knows they’re after him and klal Yisroel and against him or he was Epsteined.

  4. You can’t trust this kid as he is OTD. He can make up anything and the secular media will pick it up as they hate anything Orthodox. I saw in Boro park the media hatred of Orthodox Jews during Trump election. One media guy on a media TV truck made motions with his hands as if he was machinegunning the Boro park jews who supported Trump. Had he done that against Blacks he would be fired. So much for the secular media. The good part is that The NY Times is no longer sold in boxes in boro park as they used to many years ago.

  5. I would not completely trust this kid, not only because you can’t trust one kid, also because I don’t think any of those ‘chasidim’ knew anything anyways. I don’t believe he drowned randomly, he was either ‘taken out’ or he’s still alive. My opinion.


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