As reported on Matzav.com, President Donald Trump announced on Friday that all governors are to allow the immediate opening of houses of worship, including shuls, and that if they do not open these houses of worship, he will intervene.
The lead-up to the president’s speech and what happened behind the scenes is largely unknown, but sources indicate that Rav Aharon Teitelbaum of Satmar’s involvement led to the president’s statement.
As soon as the corona epidemic broke out two months ago, a call from the White House to some New York rabbonim was led by Rav Aharon of Satmar, who spoke with the president’s special adviser, Avi Berkowitz, who asked the rebbe to ensure that shuls are closed.
Last week, Rav Aharon of Satmar called Berkowitz and asked him to see that he can do to influence the reopening of shuls, saying that the New York closures were simply the result of a political game and obstinacy of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Rav Aharon said that just as the White House asked the rabbonim to close the shuls back then, he was asking the White House to please allow the opening of shuls now.
Last Wednesday, Berkowitz called the rebbe and told him that he had spoken to the president on the matter and the president had promised to take action before Shavuos. Thus, on Thursday, in remarks to the press, President Trump made mention of shuls, and on Friday, as is now well know, the president told all governors to open shuls immediately. Indeed, following the president’s remarks, the governor of New York gave permission to open shuls.
It should be noted that before Shavuos, Rav Aharon of Satmar will return to daven at the large bais medrash in Kiryas Yoel, along with tens of thousands of Satmar Chassidim who will go to Kiryas Yoel to celebrate the Yom Tov there.
{D. Stein-Matzav.com Newscenter}
Is davening in shuls the most important issue now? What about all the Yidden that have stores for parnossa? That’s way more important that they can reopen. We can continue to daven in porch minyanim but they are losing their livelihoods and stores!!
Then comes reopening the Yeshiva’s and Bais Yaakovs. That is also far more important than davening in shuls.
Where are our values?
Where is our Rachmonus on our brothers?
Who comes first and who comes second is beyond me, but do as he did you may get the response he got.
The Rabunnim did an unprecedented move by closing the shuls and it was the action of one of the greatest rabies to make sure that we are open again.
“Greatest” “rabbi”
Are you normal!?!?!?!
Where do you think parnasa comes from!!!
If you’ll understand what Davening is all about, you’ll understand how it will help our brothers and sisters with Parnossa… Gut Yom Tov and enjoy the Cheese Cake!
In response to “Azoiy”.
Where are our values you ask? Where are yours??? Of course we care about our brethren losing money (including myself). But do you have any idea what a shul is? A shul is a beis mikdadh me’at. It replaced the kodesh hakodoshim while in galus! From the time of your comment, had you been around by the vhurban beis hamikdash, I think you would’ve criticised everyone with the following: “why are you guys mourning the destruction of the temple so uncontrollably? Is this the most important thing now? What about the millions of people killed by the Roman army? What about all the wealthy people that list their livelihoods all of a sudden? Where is our rachmonus on our brothers?”……….
Yeshivos are closed shuls are closed what is going on here!!!
where are you shuls schools camps…. what is going on!!!
Is this a piece of humor, propaganda, or what?
The fact is that many churches/pastors, who are an important part of the President’s political base, and represent many more people than KJ, have been calling for the same thing basically for some time already.
Ignoring them and their great influence in the White House, and making it seem like KJ is calling the shots there is laughable.
Please use some balance and critical thing before devouring such questionable ‘scoops’ whole.
not to mention satmer probably isnt influencing trump a Republican theirs no incentive. satmer votes democrat.
Who wrote this propaganda?
The president also consulted with other rabbis and Christian pastors.
Please tell a full story.
I hope the Muslims have hakaras hatov since today is one of their two holidays they have to be in mosque – the President got it done lifnei eideihem…
You guys forgot to write “Article of Interest” or “Sponsored”. This is a blatant PR stunt.
Im saying this as a litvak without any connection to either Satmars.
Yasher Koach!
His poll numbers are going down with the evangelicals. He has no power to order Governors to open. He is also pushing for the annexation fo the West Bank because of the evangelicals. Why don’t you see Israel jumping at the opportunity. Israel now has an added worry of offending Trump.
I agree. Joe Biden is the only answer. He is a natural born leader. He will lead this Nation to the promised land
I can’t believe an actual sane minded person would write a comment like this.. What is his track record? Have you seen all the inconsistencies he’s had during his time in politics? Have you even seen him talk at all and the literal not walking a straight line sentences he’s said? I cant believe any informed person would think this man is a good choice
I actually have followed joe biden for years. He has never advised a country of 330,000,000 to inject themselves with disinfectant, or shine uv light internal in their bodies. psychologist have developed classes solely based on Donald Trump’s mental health. Yesterday alone Donald Trump has terrorized a family that lost their family member to an undiagnosed heart problem. I know Joe Biden will respect the rule of law. I know he won’t fire five Inspector General’s when the country is bleeding. YES! I know Joe Biden, sadly you refuse to know Donald Trump.
This is Trump on the rare occasion Fox news reports the truth.
Many will disagree, but @FoxNews is doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected on November 3rd. Sure, there are some truly GREAT people on Fox, but you also have some real “garbage” littered all over the network, people like Dummy Juan Williams, Schumerite Chris.
No one blames you for your ignorance when it comes to the truth, but know this, he has weakened America and is responsible for countless deaths. He is not a leader. He is not empathetic. He is a Narcissist. This is the truth, ignore it, and the country continues to suffer.
The Anymous person making the comment about Sleepy Joe Biden being the one to lead us to the Promised Land, could not possibly have intended to be taken literally. The statement is simply too absurd. Far more likely is that he was being sarcastic, something that is easier to detect in a person’s spoken word than in his written word. Clearly anybody who cares about the Jewish State of Israel, very strongly supports Donald J Trump for President.
Careful, people might think you are racist, worse they might think you are a member of qanon.
It will take only one reported corona case after such a gathering…
It will take only one corona case as a result of this celebration……
The satmer roov is the leaader of ALL jewish peoples. No one comez clothes.
Donald Trump changes his story everyday. If the Governors open up too early and there are deaths he will say it is the Governor’s fault. If they open and deaths decrease because of him, it all because of him. Today he went golfing. When Obama was president and there was two deaths from Ebola he called up Fox news and tweeted how terrible. Check out tomorrows NYT Cover.
Today Trump also tweeted that a newscaster should be investigated for murder, all because he doesn’t like what he had to say.
No disrespect to Rav Teitelbaum or his followers but Trump’s showboating had nothing to do with them.
Please think this through well and Confirm before putting this story in print
Please think this through well and Confirm before putting this story in print
Hey November, I don’t know which is more propaganda. This article ,or your stupidity.
It is a shame they don’t teach civics in yeshivas. Governors decide when the shuls in-their state gets open. Read the constitution please.
Lives should matter to all of you Trump folks.
I trust Richard Hass, martyn Indyk, ron klain over kushner and his basketball buddy any day when it comes to understanding the dynamics of Usrael and pandemics.
Why hasn’t israel annexed the territories yet? You would think they would jump at the chance. Bibi is always promising it when The election cycle comes.
I trust Hashem when it comes to Israel. Not Joe biden and certainly not Trump.
We need a safe and strong America. Trump, his corrupt cronies, and his foolish cult has taken this country to the abyss.
Fake news. Entirely. Firstly caumo announcement came before trumps announcement. Secondly all caumo allowed was 10 ppl indoors which was always allowed. So caumo didn’t do anything
They made something that was already legal legal. Thank you. Thirdly if he makes a gathering on shavouos of tens of thousands well that’s dead wrong. Nothing to do with trumps announcement.
Was this story confirmed? Tens of thousands. We’re looking at minyan of ten.
Here are the facts.
Satmar leadership supported Hilarey.
The real people who influenced the president were the evangelicals. They are pushing the president to outlaw abortions not unzera. That’s the sad part. We lost our values in America. Why do we elect on all levels femocRATic politicians who support same gender marriage. Because we only care about money. No one seems to care about values. Maybe that’s why called corona was sent from Shemayim.
such nonsense – it may be true that reb aaron called but trump is responding to 1000’s of ministers & religious base the black communities are quite religious he scored a bunch of points
And now they’ll say the Jews are controlling the president… Great job. Does anyone on the editorial board think before posting such things?!
Only up to 10 people can be in a building with social distincing at same time
Thank you satmar ruv
I thought celebrating death and suicide was an ISIS thing. Why are we doing the same? Are we really such sheep that we need permission from the president to daven when it’s safe and we need a prohibition from the president to not have 10 thousand people gather when it’s almost guaranteed to lead to death? Abortion and other forms of murder are also legal, but that doesn’t mean we should be running to do it.
Wonder if he cleared this with doctors?
“It should be noted that before Shavuos, Rav Aharon of Satmar will return to daven at the large bais medrash in Kiryas Yoel, along with tens of thousands of Satmar Chassidim who will go to Kiryas Yoel to celebrate the Yom Tov there.”
The irony, all the ads are for tzedakah for poor families who lost the father or mother to covid19. STAY HOME. STAY SAFE. STAY ALIVE. No minyanim, no shul, no gatherings. STAY HOME!!
Wendy, you are at the wrong website. Matzav, as of now, is the mouthpiece of Satmar . Try to write something not in line with their ideology and you get blacklisted.
it was kushner behind all of this,he davens in chabad of washington
it was kushner behind all of this,he davens in chabad of washington
Many other people petitioned for the opening of schools and chedarim
Why don’t we all daven that the ויחן שם ישראל כאיש אחד בלב אחד resurface again today! Why the negative comments? Can’t we ever be unified? Must we always have our internal strife! Didn’t we learn anything from this מגיפה? Come on! This is our chance to be מאחד כלל ישראל anew!
Obviously you are a Trump hater. If he changes a statement, it’s because new info is always coming in about this virus. Every sane rational human understands this except for lunatic TDSers who have lost their minds.
Shame on you for even mentioning Obama:, the illegitimate ISIS creator and coup against an elected president criminal.
Careful, people might think you are racist, worse they might think you are a member of qanon.
Such a flimsy argument. BIRTHERISM shame on you. Trump supporters always resort to name calling, it is about the behavior, not the man. 18,000 lies and counting. This virus is causing people to stay home and they are watching the news and seeing Trump speak. Something they were ignorant about because they don’t see his sick and disturbing social media.
What is sick and disturbing is that any Jew proud of his Jewishness would not support such a strongly pro-Israel President like Donald J Trump
Add to it, Trump set Shalom Rubashkin free. Neither the Obamas nor the Clintons of the world would have done that.
Unfortunately, many are watching CNN Stalinist lying outlet.
Birther inquiry was 1st started by Hillary campaign and is a legitimate question.
Where’s ‘s the birth certificate and where are his college transcripts.? He’s an illegitimate president who hated America.
Jack, you ‘re not going to shut down questions about his birth even though you obviously subscribe to the fascist lefties who want to shut down free speech if it’s not to their likeing.
Meanwhile, tell us even 1 lie . You guys never offer evidence of your slimy allegations. Never.
Your bugeyed buddy Schiff swore up and down he has Russian evidence.
Where is it ???????.
It’s 3 years and going.
3 years of filthy lies against Trump and you support them.
Shame on you. Shame.
You guys own name calling.
Your media, Hollywood and Devils hurled obscene and perverted descriptions against him of the worst kind.
Even calling for his assassination and urging violence against Trump supporters. Shooting at GOP reps at a baseball game. What filth.
And you support this ????
There is the Almighty’s justice yet in this world.
The criminal scumbags who tried to remove an elected innocent president will get theirs.
An eternal shame on those Jewish voters who turn their backs on this president who did so much for America and Israel.
A gang of lowlife ingrates inimical to our traditions and Torah.
I am ashamed of them.
An opportunity to attack Trump is an opportunity to really attack this once great nation.
An array of mobsters put us through three years of pernicious gehennom and pain just to illegaly oust a duly elected president.The biggest crime in US history.
Stalinist subhumans who don’t give a fig about the American people.
being anti trump means your anti America
Glad you brough up Martin Indyk.
You exposed yourself as an Israel hater, because that’s what he is.
Jack__ don’t try the race card here. Typical leftie radical desperation. Go ahead , scream racist. !!!
He’s a Kenyan… he’s half white, so let’s call him a half white Kenyan.
You’re the racist because all you see is race division. Typical Obama rhetoric which set our country back 100 years.
Oscars: Obama 1 Trump 0
Grammys: Obama 2 Trump 0
Nobel Prize: Obama 1 Trump 0
Divorces: Obama 0 Trump 3
Rapes: Obama 0 Trump 22
Impeachments: Obama 0 Trump 1
Bankruptcies: Obama 0 Trump 6
Porn Stars raw dogged: Obama 0 Trump 1
Charity theft: Obama 0 Trump 2
Everyone notice that Trump hating Jack is the first to inject race here.
This is the last resort of these nudniks.
Mr. Jack, you’re the biggest racist here because that’s all you see and that’s all you’ve got..
TDS lunatics always hijack any thread when thr word Trump is mentioned. Very sick.
Trump 2020.
Ah Label!
Just love your humour…
Ah Label!
Just love your humour…
Keep it coming…
Matzav blacklisted me.
Anonymous posted that Joe Biden is a natural born leader. I’m amazed how people support someone who is obviously in cognitive decline. It’s embarrassing to watch him when he speaks. He’s confused, stumbling all over the place and is terribly unfocused. And this is with the questions prepared ahead of time and with a teleprompter. No, he’s is for sure no leader.
His response to the Tara Reads accusations, ” it never happened”. Really? How do you know? You can’t remember what office you’re running for and can’t tell the difference between your wife and your sister. After watching the videos of Biden touching every woman and girl he meets(smelling their hair) and has a picture taken with them, all on film in public. I can imagine in private what his behavior must be like with no cameras present.
All this from a man who claimed to have three undergraduate degrees, full scholarship to law school, was arrested in South Africa, finished in the top half at law school. Well, they’re all lies. Some leader. I didn’t even mention the plagiarism charges in college and in his previous presidential run .
It is futile to attempt to persuade people with facts when they are not willing to listen. It would mean they would have to self examine their choices and the reasons for them.
Donald Trump is unfit for the office of presidency. He proves it every day. People try arguing the obvious but it is of no use because people lie To themselves about it. I take comfort in the fact that in 2016 he lost the Popular vote and hopefully 2020 he will lose the electoral college vote and take along with him some of the most venal and corrupt senators. I don’t pretend to understand the ways of Hashem, I will continue to hope and pray that Trump will lose come November.
The venal insults you use as argument is embarrassing and revealing. MAGA people on this website parrot the worse of Donald Trump. Independents are repulsed by his vulgar behavior and language, as we all should be.
You’re a prototypical anti Trumper.
Though you write that he’s unfit, you offer not a shred of evidence to back up your opinion.
Because you can’t. Because you prefer lies.
Not one of you people offer concrete facts, ever.
As everyone knows, you people use vulgarities and threats. Your media is stinking foul and false.
Do not lecture when your side is the lying aggressor.