The New Threat from Chareidi Parties Against Netanyahu

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The chareidi factions in the Knesset are preparing to ramp up their efforts to secure the passage of the Draft Law. Mishpacha revealed on Wednesday evening that these parties, long regarded as steadfast supporters of Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, are getting ready to present a significant challenge to him.

As per the report, the charedi representatives are planning to introduce two major pieces of legislation that could place Netanyahu in a tough political position.

The first piece of legislation is a Draft Law specifically designed for the chareidi population, which would grant exemptions to a significant portion of yeshiva students, allowing them to bypass mandatory military service.

In addition, a second piece of legislation will be brought forward—a law to disband the Knesset. If passed, this law would topple the government and trigger new elections.

Together, these two conflicting proposals serve as both an ultimatum to Netanyahu and a clear warning regarding the future of his leadership.




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