THE PRESIDENT LIES – AGAIN: Tree Of Life Synagogue Disputes Biden’s Claim He Visited After Massacre

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President Biden on Thursday told Jewish leaders that he spent time at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh after the October 2018 mass murder of 11 people there — but the synagogue told The Post he never visited.

“I remember spending time at the, you know, going to the, you know, the Tree of Life synagogue, speaking with them,” Biden said in a 16-minute virtual address ahead of the Jewish holidays Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Barb Feige, executive director of the Tree of Life, said that Biden did not visit the synagogue in the nearly three years since the anti-Semitic attack.

In a phone interview, Feige, executive director since July 2019, said firmly that “no” Biden didn’t visit, even before taking office when he had a lower public profile as a former vice president and then-Democratic presidential candidate.

Read more at NY Post.



  1. Just curious, wouldn’t there be photo documentation and even security details to prove this being either truth or lie? I’m not sure why people are bothered by this. Is there anyone out there who thought Biden speaks the truth up until they read this story??

  2. Actually, he drove an 18 wheeler there.
    All joking aside – the “alternative facts” that Yogurt Brains throws out should be enough to have him removed from office. If he knows that he’s lying, he’s dishonest; if he genuinely believes the things he says, he’s a prime candidate for the 25th Ammendment.

    • When one has dementia. You. Any blame him/her of saying the non truth. At least for now. It’s not that he lied. He honestly can’t remember/focus/comprehend properly. How sad to think he sits in the Oval Office.


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