Earlier this week, it was revealed for the first time that a strange flu-like virus is spreading across the olam hayeshivos, and there are thousands of bnei Torah who are experiencing weakness, high fever, and other symptoms.
At Yeshiva Torah Betifarta, about 240 talmidim fell ill, most of whom have already recovered and returned to their full strength.
For the first time, on Asarah B’Teves, full meals were served in various yeshivos, following the psak of Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein, who ruled that every bochur who feels weak, even if he doesn’t have fever, should eat and drink and not fast.
For this reason, and due to this ruling, in light of the fact that there are hundreds of cholim in yeshivos, meals were served at several large yeshivos on the day of the fast.
“Usually, a sick person buys and eats food on a fast day quietly and away from the public eye,” said one bochur. “This time, with many people ill, the yeshiva kitchens were serving meals.”
{Matzav.com Israel}
Smells VERY fishy.
“A strange flu like” virus.
Just say covid. If you’re going to write about it write about it in full