Thomas Jefferson Statue Removed From City Hall After 187 Years – Because He Owned Slaves

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Thomas Jefferson is no longer in the room where it happens. Art handlers packed up an 884-pound statue of Jefferson in a wooden crate Monday after a mayoral commission voted to banish the likeness of the nation’s third president from City Hall where its resided for nearly two centuries — because he owned slaves.

About a dozen workers with Marshall Fine Arts spent several hours carefully removing the painted plaster monument from its pedestal inside the City Council chambers and surrounding it with sections of foam and wooden boards. They then lowered the massive structure down the stairs leading to the building’s first-floor rotunda with a pulley system and ushered the Founding Father out the back door.

The 1833 statue will be on a long-term loan to the New York Historical Society, which plans to have Jefferson’s model survive in its lobby and reading room. Read more at the NY Post.



  1. Imagine if the mood of the country shifts at some future date and people will realize that abortion kills a life. At that time anyone who supported abortion will be canceled as a murderer and president Clinton’s statues will all be removed.


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