Three Chassidishe bochurim who were instrumental in saving many people on October 7th went on a trip to visit kevarim of gedolim in Ukraine. On the way back from Rav Nachman of Breslov’s kever, they were in a serious accident involving three vehicles. There were no casualties, only property damage.
However, the Ukraine police locked them up in prison until they can legally straighten it all out, and if they don’t, askanim say, they will be detained indefinitely.
The bochurim do not have kosher food and can’t leave there until they are legally represented.
Several askanim are working on securing the bochurim an attorney to settle this situation before it goes to trial.
How can that be? Zelenskyy is a tzaddik and his love for fellow Yidden will compel him to get involved and free these bachurim. We must send him even more of US taxpayers money. He’s earned it. He deserves it.
How were the bochurim instrumental in saving many people on October 7th?
Leaving the kedushah of Eretz HaKodesh to pray at graves in Ukraine is STUPID.
The correct way is to go to the Kotel in Yerushalayim, and pray there.
Unlike you, most people need the merit of tzadddikim beseeching them to intervene in Heaven. Didn’t Yehoshua and Kalev go to kivrei tzaddikim in Chevron? Didn’t the Jews before leaving to Bavel go to Kever Rochel?
OK So why did they leave Eretz Yisroel instead of going to Chevorn and Kever Rochel?
To go to the beach for weeks during summer vacation behispashtus hagashmius and spend many hours and days doing nothing is fine, but to be misapallel at kivrei tzaddikim which is a holy minhag, a mesorah, as is brought down in seforim like the Metah Efroim and Mishnah Brurah, is unacceptable by you.
Rav Nachman will come pull them out of jail by their peyos.
BTW instrumental in saving many people… Likely story.
I hungry strike is needed. No freesen for the Yessen.
I haven’t found the incident and the shayn’a ponim on Tik-Tok yet. I mean, how antisemitic can one get!