Top GOP Tax Writer Says Biden Spending Package ‘Most Dangerous’ He Has Seen

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A chief architect of the 2017 tax cuts said Democrats’ multitrillion-dollar tax and spending package is the “most dangerous” he has seen during his more than two decades in Congress.

Rep. Kevin Brady, the ranking member of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, told the Washington Examiner that he has been working tooth and nail to fight the proposed $3.5 trillion legislative behemoth, which he said dwarfs spending battles of the past. He lamented the proposal as “tragic.”

“Boy, I think it’s the most dangerous tax and spending package I have experienced in 25 years in Congress,” Brady said. “This is Godzilla, every other spending package was a horse. This just swamps anything that’s ever been done.”

Brady said he fears the spending package is going to “hook a lot of Americans into government dependency.”

Read more at Washington Examiner.



  1. Thank you Joe Biden. Now we have to deal with the Evergrande disaster. The stock market is crashing and all my life’s savings are in the toilet.

  2. Chipper. Mom says she wants to scare away from dropping in with the democrats now. I am relieved that Jordanian suns can rest as the jews are not pushing the worth of world wandering credit. With it Mr. Biden. Its your term.


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