TRAGIC: Five Israelis Killed In Morocco Car Crash En Route To Kevorim

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Five Israelis tragically lost their lives and three others were injured in a car accident in Morocco on Friday.

The incident took place on the road linking Zagora and Tinghir, when the vehicle lost control and flipped over, killing all five occupants instantly.

The victims were members of the Breslover community who had traveled to Morocco as part of a journey to visit kivrei tzaddikim.

The niftarim have been identified as Nosson Shapira, 37, Shimon Tefilinski, 33, his younger brother Yosef Tefilinski, 20, Moshe Gallant, 18, and Yisroel Meir Shasha, 25.

Reports further indicated that Nosson Shapira and Shimon Tefilinski, the older brother, both leave behind large families, each with eight children. Several hours after arriving at their destination, the rest of the group, traveling in multiple vehicles, realized that the five individuals were missing. They notified the authorities, and after a search, the overturned car was found a few hours later, according to Ynet.

At least some of the victims were from Tzefas, a city in northern Israel. Tzefas’ Mayor Yossi Kakon confirmed that “a number of Tzefas residents were involved” in the tragedy. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs acknowledged the incident and stated that Israeli officials in Rabat were actively handling the situation.

ZAKA, the organization responsible for ensuring the proper handling of bodies in accordance with halacha, confirmed that it was coordinating with the local Jewish community to transport the remains to Casablanca, where they would then be repatriated to Israel for kevurah.



  1. Food for Thought:
    Maybe from now on we should make a trip to the Bais HaKevaros in Bnei Brak and Har HaMenuchos.
    In Eretz Yisroel we have Torah giants that were Niftar and they are buried in Eretz Yisroel, a few examples that come instantly to my mind are Rav Aharon Kotler, HaRav Shach, Reb Shlomo Zalman Ohrbach, HaRav Elyashiv, Rav Ovadia Yosef, big Rabbanim from Yeshivas Mir, big Rabbonim from Yesh. Ponevez, The Steipler, Reb Chaim Kanievsky, The Chazon Ish and all the Chosheve Rebbes by the Chassidim that were already Niftar, they are all buried in Eretz Yisroel. I left out by mistake probably 1,000 other holy Rabbonim that are all buried in Eretz Yisroel, Ashkenazim, Sefardim, Mizrachi. On all these big Rabbonim I want to say
    זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה
    Many different Chassidim, Breslov, and etc,. Our next big trip should be Eretz Yisroel.
    All the Chassidim are special, I wrote Breslov because the story above was Breslov Chassidim and I am convinced that in Eretz Yisroel there are super big Torah giants buried there and I am sure that Breslov agrees that they are big Torah giants so maybe we can avoid travelling outside of Eretz yisroel.
    By the way, Reb Shlomo Zalman Ohrbach
    זכר צדיק וקדוש לברכה
    when his grandchild got married in England, he did not travel to the wedding because he did not want to leave Eretz Yisroel.
    From the day he was born and until he was Niftar he never left Eretz Yisroel.

    • More chashuv than all the above are the Jewish soldiers and other Jews who were killed defending Eretz Yisroel. Those kevarim are the holiest places for one to daven at.

    • We pray at kivrei tzaddim all over the world because we need their zchusim. Although there are lots of tzaddikim in Israel, it’s a special zchus to travel to tzaddikim you’re mekasher to. It’s not as simple as you think

  2. Hashem should help all these 5 families of these Kedoshim
    זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה
    Hashem should help them with tons of
    סייעתא דשמיא
    Hashem should send to these 5 families of the Kedoshim lots of good health, lots of Hatzlacha with everything, lots of Hatzlacha for all their children that all their children and siblings they should all be Zocheh to be Matzliach in school in Cheder in Yeshiva in Kollel.
    Please post a link to help with a donation.

    • Cuz the accident couldn’t have happened in bnei brak or Jerusalem!? Are you implying that their car overturned and they got killed because they visited kevarim in Morroco and not in Israel???????


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