TRIPLE VAXXED Sen. Elizabeth Warren Announces Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren said that she tested positive for the novel coronavirus today but was experiencing only mild symptoms. The Massachusetts Democrat explained that she tested negative earlier in the week, is fully vaccinated, and received her booster. In fact, she has received three Covid vaccines.

But as health officials have said, the new Omicron variant spreading across the country is highly transmissible and better able to evade vaccines than earlier strains. Warren, though, credits the shots for her mild illness. “As cases increase across the country, I urge everyone who has not already done so to get the vaccine and the booster as soon as possible—together, we can save lives,” the 72-year-old said in a tweet. Read more at Twitter.



    • Are you guaranteeing that her replacement won’t be even more leftist, like the squad radicals? Think of her constituency, and consider the possibilities.

  1. “ Warren, though, credits the shots for her mild illness. ”
    What she didn’t clarify was that said illness wasn’t Covid but rather resultant from the vaccine.

    • By now would you trust any study? I fully lost trust in the “professionals”. Too many things didnt make sense too many times, especially what the vaccine accomplishes. Is it immunity were aiming for? No study to date showed that natural immunity is ineffective. Additionally, immunity and ppl still get infected? Change the narrative, it’s the symptoms and death were avoiding. Yet masks were also supposed to give us some protection against a seemingly inevitable death. That explains why the “experts” were caught massless. They wanted to feel death.

  2. Self quarantined = House Arrest
    Self-quarantined + coronavirus exposure = Detained & Questioned
    Tested negative = No Confession, Going To Trial
    Tested positive = Confessed To Take Deal, Execution Out Of The Public Eye


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