Trump Calls for Public Debate on 2020 Election

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Former President Donald Trump issued a statement Sunday calling for a public debate on “the facts, not the fiction” regarding the 2020 presidential election, Newsmax reports.

“The Fake News Media cannot stand the fact that so many people in our Country know the truth, that the 2020 Election was rigged and stolen, yet almost every article written contains the words the ‘Big Lie’ or ‘unsubstantiated facts,’ etc., always trying to demean the real results,” the statement issued by Trump’s Save America PAC began.

Trump then stated that he was “willing to challenge the heads of various papers or even far left politicians,” and called voter irregularities and fraud that plagued certain states “the real Big Lie.”



    • With whom? The one whom he ran against is a clone ‘cuz she ain’t no more (just like the official current one).

  1. Even Fox News started mentioning this again, lately. Of course, they cannot outright state it as a possibility, but they can say that people believe it, which is what has happened lately.

  2. I shall be honored to join you President Donald Trump in this very important endeavor.
    Please let me know when & where to meet you for the debates??


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