Trump: ‘Get Rid of Mitch’

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Former President Donald Trump on Sunday called for an end to Republican Mitch McConnell’s term as Senate Minority Leader because “the Old Crow” is “giving the Democrats victory on everything.”

In a statement made through his Save America PAC, Trump accused McConnell of “hurting the Republican Senators and the Republican Party,” saying that he didn’t “have the guts” to play the debt ceiling card, which would have “given the Republicans a complete victory on virtually everything. The Dems were ready to fold!”



  1. If Trump can only shut his mouth, we will win the House and Senate back next year! If he keeps putting down Republicans, the democrats will cement their power for the next 100 years. The Manhattan liberal, Trump, is the greatest danger facing the Republican party going forward. Someone has got to shut him up.

  2. I say it’s time to get rid of Trump and fast. I supported Trump I also felt there was fraud with the elections. We are almost a year after January 6, what is Trump gaining by attacking and bashing anyone who doesn’t continue his message. Many Republicans will lose in democrat cities only because Trump has decided to act like an immature baby rather than a statesman. In Georgia Governor Kemp would easily beat Stacy Abrams but he didn’t look for the missing votes, so Trump supports Purdue who may lose to Abrams. I would rather a senile president then a deranged president.

  3. As someone who voted for Trump and STILL thinks that policy wise he was a good president I’m saying that it’s time for him to check into a psychiatric hospital already.

  4. To all liberal leftist:

    If the USA continues with your ideology and leftist resolutions, this country will turn into a fascist dictatorship with its people bankrupt.
    I hope you all disappear!


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