Trump Nearly 2-To-1 GOP Favorite In Mackinac Straw Poll

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Former President Donald Trump was not in attendance at this weekend’s Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference on Mackinac Island in Michigan, but he was still nearly a 2-to-1 favorite among the GOP candidates for president in 2024.

Trump drew 47.5% support among 740 Republicans in the straw poll, while popular Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was a distant second with around 25% of the vote in The Detroit News-sponsored poll.

There were 1,300 in attendance at the conference Friday and Saturday and they voted through a secure link in the poll, according to the News.

News columnist Nolan Finley suggested Trump getting less than 50% of the vote is a signal the former president’s influence is waning.
“This poll suggests that Donald Trump’s grip on the party is not quite as tight as people think,” Finley said. “I doubt anyone would have expected his support would have been under 50% with this crowd.”
Read more at NEWSMAX


    • Well, it’s from Newsmax where polls results are shaken out of their sleeves. With millions of people at Trump’s rallies and nobody attending any of Biden events, should tell you how much truth there is to this “fake news garbage”, as you call it.


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