Trump Retweets Powerful Video of Candace Owens Exposing George Floyd’s Life of Crime

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President Trump retweeted a video Friday of right-wing commentators Glenn Beck and Candace Owens attacking the reputation of George Floyd.

“The fact that he has been held up as a martyr sickens me,” Owens told Beck in the footage. “George Floyd was not a good person.”

As mass protests rocked the nation for yet another day, the Trump retweet amplified the message to a worldwide audience and his 81.8 million Twitter followers.

Beck and Owens then delved into Floyd’s lengthy criminal record, which included time behind bars. Floyd’s autopsy report revealed he had both fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system at the time of his death.

Read more at the NY Post.


  1. Imagine what candace owens would have done with Reish Lakish’s criminal record. How Mr Floyd was killed had nothing to do with his criminal record. Posting anything from Candace Owens is beyond shameful. Perhaps you should investigate her history. I understand why Trump is comfortable with her.
    A small part of history.
    Candace Owens, a top figure in a conservative advocacy group with close ties to President Donald Trump, on Friday was at the center of a social-media firestorm over recent comments she made about nationalism and Adolf Hitler.

    Owens, the communications director for Turning Point USA (TPUSA), was answering questions about nationalism at an event in London back in December. At the time, Owens said she didn’t have “any problems at all with the word ‘nationalism,'” a word she characterized as too often associated with Hitler.

    “I think that the definition gets poisoned by elitists that actually want globalism. Globalism is what I don’t want,” Owens said. “Whenever we say ‘nationalism,’ the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. You know, he was a national socialist, but if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK, fine.”

  2. More on candace:
    Black conservative Candace Owens was called to the carpet this week after arguing that race “was not an issue” for her when she was younger, seemingly forgetting a racial discrimination case she filed just 10 years ago.

    It was during a Tuesday appearance on “The Ingraham Angle” that Owens blamed Barack Obama for deepening the nation’s racial divide and accused Democrats of using “awful name-calling rhetoric” as a means of “laying down the groundwork for Hillary [Clinton] to run” in the 2016 election.

    “Obama did a lot to tear the country apart,” the pundit told host Fox News’ Laura Ingraham. “I do not remember, growing up, having all of these race issues. I really don’t remember it.”

    Owens, a right-wing provocateur and Donald Trump supporter, continued railing against Obama and smeared the former president for buying into what she called the “myth” of police brutality.

    “Suddenly toward the end of Obama’s [term], we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up — it became white versus black all over again,” she argued. “I shouldn’t even say ‘all over again,’ because when I was alive, this was not an issue. It all became about race.”

    Many took issue with Owens’ remarks, including The Intercept columnist Medhi Hasan, who was the first to point out the commentator’s big fat lie.

    “Huh??? She literally sued the local education board over *racist bullying* when she was a teenager in high school!” he tweeted, adding: “Ah, the grift is strong on this one …”

    Hasan was referencing a lawsuit filed by then-18-year-old Owens in 2008 accusing the Stamford Board of Education of not doing enough to protect her from racist harassment by white classmates. According to the complaint, one student allegedly threatened to kill Owens and called her slur.

    One of the teens also called her “dirty,” threatened to torch her house and tar and feather her she claimed. Owens missed six weeks of school over the incident, saying it was too traumatizing to attend class with her alleged bullies, The News-Times reported.

    The NAACP, which Owens now calls “one of the worst groups for Black people,” helped the teen secure a $37,500 settlement in the case.

    “Candace Owens’ one job is to deny white supremacy to make Republicans feel better,” Andy Campbell, a HuffPost editor, chimed in. “That’s all she’s ever invited to do, and she’s happy to oblige.”

    The conservative activist is no stranger to controversy, however. In September, Owens drew backlash after downplaying the threat of white supremacy during a hearing before the House Oversight Joint Subcommittee.

    She was also forced to resign from conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA for her comments praising Adolf Hitler as an “OK” guy until he tried globalizing his message of hate.
    Google candace owens

        • Candace Owens does not stand with white supremacy. That is the same wrong narrative that the media does. Listen to her speech before Congress. She is telling the Democrats that every 4 years they play this “White against Blacks” card. But actually truthfully if you were to list the top 100 things troubling the black community, the first 2 are 1. Fatherless homes. 2. The education system that continues to minimize black people.
          And black on black killing is MUCH worse. 95% of deaths from shootings are black on black.
          Her rational and reasonable and torah accurate law abiding perspective is not racist at all. And she abhors White Supremacy as we all should.
          God made man and woman, and it was good. No race but the human race.

  3. The first two comments are full of out of context conclusions. For example, while she was involved in a suit sponsored by the NAACP while in HS, she was traumatized by the experience and “used” by the media and the NAACP which eventually led to her distrust of those entities. When she said that race was not in issue during her childhood, she said that in explaining that the incident that happened in HS was the only time she experienced that prejudice. In her interview with Beck she repeatedly emphasized the injustice of the treatment that Mr. Floyd received and the necessity of bring the office to justice. She was complaining about the concept of making a criminal who has not shown a change of ways as a saintly martyr. SHe does not deny white supremacy. She denies that it is a major factor in American society and that making it a major issue is detrimental for the Black community.
    She is also a major supporter of Jewish causes and never praised Hitler, Y”S. She is still employed by Turning Point as well as Prager University.
    Please, when you post things look into the facts and not the rhetoric. You don’t have to agree with what others say. But taking things out of context is harmful and causes more negativity that we do not need.

    • No one is taking candace owens out of context. I stand by everything I say. Candace owens is a supporter of candace owens. Nationalism has never served Jews well.

  4. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell on : “He lies…and he gets away with it because people won’t hold him accountable.”

    Powell then said that he will vote for JoeBiden

    Candace owens is a grifter. This past week the amount of respected Republicans coming out against Trump is more than significant.
    Perhaps Trump’s Jewish supporters should stop giving him a blank check because you all believe he is good for Israel. Morals and ethics matter.

    • No need to worry. Joe Biden, will bring us to the promised land. Peace and love will break out across the world. All racism and bigotry will end.

  5. This is a Chillul Hashem. I cannot actually believe that my fellows Jews could think it is OK to distribute this in the context of what has happened. What an embarrasment. I am ashamed to say I am an orthodox Jew is this is how our community is representing itself. We cry foul so often when there is an antisemitic incident and we dont have it half as bad as African Americans (and the recent violence against is in large part due to Trump’s enabling of the right wing in our country). And you worry about walking around with a Kippah in Europe. With this type of article can you be surprised that we are not well liked. I pray you see the light.

  6. ETTD & JACK- I don’t know you and I don’t know ‘where you’re coming from’ but- Candace Owens is a rare burst of truth and sunshine in an apparently darkening world(forgive the pun)! For her to point out that the victim just spent 5 years(2009-2014) for pointing gun at pregnant womans’ belly during an armed robbery plus rap sheet nine miles long plus attempting to pass off counterfeit 20 while stoned out of his gourd has no relevance???? That makes Candace Owens an incredibly courageous black woman!!! You guys are either incredibly naive for swallowing leftist media garbage or….

  7. @ETTD
    Before you post please get your facts straight.
    Did you even listen to the whole clip of Candace talking when she was speaking about Hitler and Nationalism, because clearly you did not. A liberal took a snippet of her speech and publicized it making her seem like she said things that she did not. Please do everyone a favor and watch speeches entirely before making comments.

  8. martyr?!
    1 : a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion.
    2 : a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle a martyr to the cause of freedom


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