Trump Zeros In on His 2024 Election Map, Focusing on 5 Key States

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Former President Donald Trump is targeting five states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — which are key to his hopes of recapturing the White House in 2024, Newsmax reports.

The five states, which delivered 73 electoral votes, flipped for Joe Biden in 2020.

Now, Trump and his team are concentrating on winning them back.

Politico noted that Trump has held four rallies and endorsed dozens of candidates so far in those states. And Trump’s super PAC, “Make America Great Again, Again!” recently polled a Trump-Biden contest in the five states. The polls revealed Trump led Biden in Arizona by 8 percentage points, Georgia by 3 points, Michigan by 12 points, Pennsylvania by 6 points, and Wisconsin by 10 points.



  1. Trump is done. His usefulness for the Rino party is finished. This Manhattan liberal should go back to his real estate empire. The Conservative movement has to go forward. Please join me.

    • He may be a great governor but Washington is a whole different animal. Keep him in FL at least we’ll have one free state to run too.

  2. While Trump policies as President would and did move America in the right direction, I fear that he would not be able to calm this country down, due to his in-your-face approach to “politics”, and his pathetic ego. I don’t know who would be better, though, maybe Desantis?


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