Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News anchor, faces backlash for featuring on his show a controversial “historian” who labeled Winston Churchill as the “chief villain of the Second World War,” rather than Adolf Hitler, and asserted that six million Jews “ended up dead” instead of being systematically murdered by the Nazis.
In a promotional post for a two-hour video conversation between Carlson and Darryl Cooper, Carlson praised Cooper, stating he “may be the best and most honest popular historian in the United States.”
Cooper criticized Churchill for exacerbating the Second World War into a global conflict rather than keeping it contained to Poland. This claim overlooks that Churchill was not in power when Hitler invaded Poland, prompting Britain and other Allied nations to declare war on Germany.
“Maybe I’m being a little hyperbolic, maybe, but … I thought Churchill was the chief villain of the Second World War,” Cooper said. “Now, he didn’t kill the most people, he didn’t commit the most atrocities, but I believe that when you get into it and tell the story right and don’t leave anything out, you see that he was primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did, becoming something other than an invasion of Poland.”
Cooper alleged that Hitler did not wish to engage in conflict with England and France, but claimed Churchill disregarded all peace proposals.
He clarified that he does not view Churchill’s adversaries, like Hitler, as “good guys.” Cooper accused Hitler and the Nazis of initiating a war for which they were “completely unprepared to deal with the millions and millions of prisoners of war, of local political prisoners.”
He attributed the Holocaust to a careless disposal of prisoners, stating, “they just threw these people into camps and millions of people ended up dead there.” He then drew a parallel between the Nazis’ actions in Eastern Europe and the “Zionist” measures taken by Israel after the Hamas attack on October 7.
Carlson did not challenge these assertions. During the discussion on World War Two, he remarked that “literally, it’s a crime to ask questions.”
The interview has been widely denounced as Holocaust denial. Dani Dayan, chairman of Yad Vashem, condemned it on X, stating, “Tucker Carlson and Darryl Cooper engaged in one of the most repugnant Holocaust denial displays of the last years. Antisemitic, ahistorical and deranged, an affront to the victims and to the pursuit of truth. Decent persons should condemn this display of bigotry and malevolence.”
Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney criticized the interview on X, saying, “Actually, this is pro-Nazi propaganda, including, ‘Churchill was the chief villain of WW2’ and Hitler ‘didn’t want to fight.’”
“No serious or honorable person would support or endorse this type of garbage,” Cheney added.
Conservative analyst Erick Erickson remarked, “Didn’t expect Tucker Carlson to become an outlet for Nazi apologetics, but here we are. He’s neither the best nor the most honest. He’s a contrarian moral cretin who has turned his contrarianism into Nazi apologetics.”
Tucker lost his way
Tucker and Candace should get married. They deserve each other.
That any Jew can still support Tucker is beyond my comprehension!
Carlson wants to be the new Pat Buchanan. He works off the exact same playbook.