Tucker: Republicans Shouldn’t Get Too Confident About 2020

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Republicans think Trump’s victory in 2020 is assured.



  1. NONSENSE! Tucker’s entire blown up theory is according to Fake News’ survey – and we all know what those are – made up on the spot in the media office without actually asking the public.

    What was not reported in the media is that over 58% Democrats attended Trump’s rally in Wisconsin and over 43% Democrats attended his rally in Ohio. Which means, we can expect over 50% Democrats to vote for Trump and according to Real News, 98% Republicans are planning on voting for Trump.

    Besides, there’s no candidate in the Democrat party that would get more than 2%.

  2. Since GITMO is b”H filling up nicely with Democrats and Rhinos, it would only make sense that one of the Democrat candidates – who’s probably there already – should become their president, just like Hillary became president for her constituents 6 ft down under.

    • Hillary was assured because she paid about 25 journalists to make it seem she’s winning. On the other hand, it’s the American people who believe that Trump will be’ez”H win. Look at those rallies blah”r. Hillary’s rallies were between 36 (thirty-six) people and maximum 1,000 people. Besides, he has no one to even run against. Those Democrat candidates who are not in Gitmo yet have maximum 1% chance to win. How many meshugaim are there that would vote for Sanders? Warren? or other nutcases?


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