Joe Biden had 21 PEOPLE – not points – in South Carolina while in Iowa he had 3 PEOPLE, as was reported with photos in Real News. STOP LYING!
Trump should discuss with Congress that he will take out Solomeini???? And perhaps he should have discussed it with the Deep State too, Meshugene? Where was Gubbard when Obama did not discuss his decisions of taking out Bin Laden (to the fool the people that he was still alive)?
He has NOT gone to war with Iran although the Democraps are desperate for him to go. AND THAT’S THE REALITY OF THE SITUATION. And the rest of her talk is nothing but rubbish, fantasies and more lies.
“The Congress has the power to declare war, it doesn’t mean that the Commander-in-Chief can’t use military force to protect the country, without Congress.”
“What President [Trump] did, is that he took out [Qasem] Soleimani , who was planning another attack against American forces in Iraq, who are lawfully present there. He had all the authority he needed to protect troops in the field. This was a defensive preemptive attack,” continued Graham.
“Can you imagine what our nation would look like if Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Rand Paul, and AOC [Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez]…and we couldn’t defend the nation unless they all agreed.”
Thank G-d this lady will never be President of the US. This pacifist would have us all killed.
Joe Biden had 21 PEOPLE – not points – in South Carolina while in Iowa he had 3 PEOPLE, as was reported with photos in Real News. STOP LYING!
Trump should discuss with Congress that he will take out Solomeini???? And perhaps he should have discussed it with the Deep State too, Meshugene? Where was Gubbard when Obama did not discuss his decisions of taking out Bin Laden (to the fool the people that he was still alive)?
He has NOT gone to war with Iran although the Democraps are desperate for him to go. AND THAT’S THE REALITY OF THE SITUATION. And the rest of her talk is nothing but rubbish, fantasies and more lies.
Why does Fox care what a never-was-never-will-be has to say? Why is this nonsense on Matzav? Are we going to be watching snippets from The View next?
She is still in the Presidential race as a candidate for the democratic ticket.
“The Congress has the power to declare war, it doesn’t mean that the Commander-in-Chief can’t use military force to protect the country, without Congress.”
“What President [Trump] did, is that he took out [Qasem] Soleimani , who was planning another attack against American forces in Iraq, who are lawfully present there. He had all the authority he needed to protect troops in the field. This was a defensive preemptive attack,” continued Graham.
“Can you imagine what our nation would look like if Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Rand Paul, and AOC [Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez]…and we couldn’t defend the nation unless they all agreed.”
Does she really believe the words she says? Did Obamalamadingdong get permission from Congress to bomb Lybia?