Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is once again under fire for slapping a child in the face at an event this past weekend.
Erdoğan was doling out house keys to people whose homes were rebuilt as a part of an infrastructure project in the northeastern Turkish province of Rize when two young boys came up to the stage to collect some money, according to Gazete Duvar. Erdoğan extended his hand for one of the boys to kiss, which is common in Turkish culture as a sign of respect to elders, and the boy hesitated. Erdoğan slapped the boy in the face, and the boy then kissed his hand. Erdoğan then handed the boy some money.
Reactions to the incident in the comment replies to a YouTube video uploaded by Gazete Duvar condemned Erdoğan. “A president should not do this. It does not suit the Republic of Turkey. Our children are not beggars,” one comment that was translated from Turkish to English read. Read more at Gazete Duvar.
The turkey has no class! Oops! Sorry! The turkiya!
A ruthless dictator.
A well deserved slap
Idiotic.it was just a friendly slap.lhavdi ,r ovarian yosef would also give friendly pats on the face.i do it once in a while to my grandchildren .article sounds like he have him a big frosk in panim.fake news
Fake news.he didn’t slap the second boys face for not kissing his hand.article makes it sound like the kid got a good frosk in panim.
Shtussim, he didn’t slap him, he did a common pat. And his face was smirky, not angry.
He is evil for other reasons, keep the focus on those reasons.
Kissing? These guys never heard of COVID?