Turning Point USA Turns Away Nazi Nick Fuentes at Michigan Convention

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A leading conservative student group ejected a leading Gen Z antisemite from a conference.

At Turning Point USA’s The People Convention on June 14 in Detroit, security officers removed Nick Fuentes, the self-avowed antisemite and Holocaust-denying podcaster.

In videos on social media of the encounter, wearing sunglasses, Fuentes walked toward the building’s exit as a group gathered around him with people holding up phones to film the encounter. A bearded security guard ordered him to leave as the crowd booed.

When a second security guard, identified later in the video as “Brian,” enters, a follower demands to know what Fuentes did to get the boot.

Fuentes said, “they didn’t give a reason.”

He turned to the crowd and said it was because “Israel controls this event.” The group cheered. He then stated: “This is America first, not Israel first!”

The guard guided Fuentes out of the building as the crowd chanted “America first! America first!”

Outside, one of Fuentes’ followers wearing a backwards baseball cap said to Brian: “I’m America first, not Israel first. I love my country; you do not love your country. We f**king love our country, and you don’t.”

Fuentes said to Brian, “I know it’s a formal trespass, we’ve done this before, you and me,” alluding that he tried the same antic in Miami, before shaking his hand.




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