A Democratic mega-donor’s adviser issued an apology on Sunday for suggesting that the shooting involving former Republican President Donald Trump might have been staged.
Democratic strategist Dmitri Mehlhorn, who advises billionaire Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn and a significant donor to predominantly Democratic candidates, made the controversial remark.
The news website Semafor reported that Mehlhorn, in an email to some friendly journalists and supporters, speculated that there was a chance “that this ‘shooting’ was encouraged and maybe even staged so Trump could get the photos and benefit from the backlash.”
Mehlhorn offered an apology on Sunday. “Last night, I sent an email I now regret. I drafted and sent it without consulting my team. I have apologized to them directly. I also want to apologize publicly, without reservation, for allowing my words to distract from last night’s central fact: political violence took yet another innocent American life,” Mehlhorn stated.
“We must unite in condemnation of such violence in every instance, without reservation. Any other topic is a distraction.”
So they:
think of a lie, then promulgate it on the media.
If feedback is 50/50 they promote the lie
If feedback is overwhelmingly opposed, they retract and apologize and think of some excuse.
Did I get it right on mainstream media protocol?
Joe Biden has brought civility back to Washington. He should be reelected.
Why apologize? It makes a lot of sense that it was staged. The Secret Service did not sweep the building where the shooter was perched, neither did they give a hoot when they were told that there’s someone on the roof, neither did they shoot the person with the gun on the roof. You have to be an idiot to believe it wasn’t preplanned.
It is GLARINGLY of GLARINGLY of GLARINGLY OBVIOUS that this was ABSOLUTELY a purposely staged event!!!!!!!!! From THE TOP DOWN that is what was openly called for, and AT THE EVENT that is what was obviously done. From the top, from the illegal usurper king joe himself, down through numerous officials and major TV celebrities, they were all, over and over and over again, exclaiming that Trump was “the biggest threat to democracy” and “he was a dangerous man” and “he was out of control” and “he must be taken out” and “he must be stopped” and “it was time to put him in the gun sight.”
At the event, just see the article here before this one; its title: “Secret Service Did Not Sweep Building Where Shooter Was Perched” ALREADY says it all; the Secret Service purposely did not try to protect him. And then the video mentioned there showing a witness who testifies that, before the shooting, he saw the shooter climbing on the roof. He tried to warn nearby Secret Service agents, but they ignored him. The Secret Service purposely allowed the shooter to shoot.
Including the “ear shot”.
He said one of the absolutely stupidest things ever said in politics – and that’s saying something. Forget the political aspect – his suggestion that anyone would “stage” that, with real bullets fired, is so abysmally stupid.