U.S. ‘Moving Into A Dangerous Phase’ As Anti-Semitic Incidents Surge

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A Confederate flag parading through the Capitol is just one of the many disturbing images the country confronted on January 6. Some photos and videos were more painful than others for some Americans.

A number of pro-Trump rioters who stormed the Capitol wore clothing with anti-Semitic messages—the latest sign of a growing problem in America.

From 2015 to 2019, anti-Semitic incidents jumped to nearly a record high, according to the Anti-Defamation League. Some Jewish leaders said the growth of crimes against Jews intensified under former President Trump.

The Anti-Defamation League found acts of anti-Semitism started spiking in 2016 after a nearly 15-year drop. The most recent numbers show the highest number of anti-Semitic incidents in its recorded history. There were more than 2,100 acts of assault, vandalism and harassment against Jews.

Read more at CBS News.



  1. That’s old news. Now that we have a unifier in the White House, I wouldn’t worry about these things. Trump brought out the worst in people. Biden is bringing out the best in people. Besides, Kamala Harris is married to a Jew, so one can rwst assured that everything will be okay.

  2. More Leftist propaganda!

    “In the last few months, anti-Semitism has manifested itself in swastikas on street corners in California and Virginia. The Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial in Boise, Idaho, was vandalized with Nazi propaganda in December. Several menorahs in 2020 were shot with pellet guns during Hanukkah, including one at Dartmouth College.”

    Funny how they left out the murder attacks and killings that really happened perpetrated by the Left.

    The true issue – EXTREMISM from BOTH sides of the aisle.

    The major diff – the Left accepts these loonies into their own bins.

  3. Leftist garbage.

    I’ve experienced plenty of anti-Semitism in my life. None of it was coming from right wingers.

    The only pogrom in American history (Crown Heights) was clearly the results of leftism. Not right wingers.
    Respected mainstream leftwing politicians like Cuomo are openly anti-Semitic, virulent anti-Semites like Al Sharpton are invited to speak at the Democratic National Convention.

    There are in fact plenty of right wing anti-Semites. But they aren’t in the positions of power like Cuomo and aren’t tolerated in places where the right is in control like they are tolerated in places where the left is.

  4. What a leftist article! Most of the anti-Semitic attacks are coming from blacks and Muslims who are Biden supporters. But don’t confuse a leftist reporter with the facts!

    • “Most of the anti-Semitic attacks are coming from blacks and Muslims who are Biden supporters. ”

      The Pittsburgh and Poway shootings were from far right white guys. The Poway shooter was a devout evangelical Christian. In NYC in 2019, 60% of the arrests for anti-Semitic hate crimes were of white folks, in a city that is only 32% non-Hispanic white.

      Yet another racist lie from the Trump crowd is exposed.

      • Why hasn’t Obama, to this day, called the Muslims who carried out the massacre in San Bernardino a terrorist act? Is one not allow to report the truth on members of the Muslim faith?

  5. There is no “right” and “left” when it comes to antisemites. They join and unify. The very word nazi is a hybrid: nationalsocialism. The two ideologies are the opposite of each others, and only one thing in common.


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