Ukraine Rabbi: Don’t Come to Uman!

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Ukraine’s chief rabbi, Moshe Reuven Azman, is urging Jewish pilgrims to stay away from Uman in eastern Ukraine. “It’s a real war… my message to people is to please try to not come this year,” the rabbi told i24 News from Basel, Switzerland, where he is attending a conference.

Rabbi Azman explained to i24 News host Calev Ben-David on Tuesday that Ukraine does not have the resources this year to protect Jews amid fighting on the frontlines against Russia’s invasion.

He also warned of possible Russian provocations, such as sending rockets.

This message was also sent by Ukrainian authorities, who warned Jewish pilgrims not to attend this year’s event, with the country’s security service issuing a statement saying there was a “high probability of missile attacks” and other “destabilizing” actions from the Russians.

“Don’t come this year. It’s dangerous. It’s a war,” the rabbi reiterated.

Despite the warnings, there are reports of hundreds of frum people already gathering in Uman and flights are being chartered to bring thousands more ahead of Rosh Hashanah. 


  1. Uman isn’t Eastern Ukraine…it’s Central Ukraine, hours away from the fighting. The only reason anyone would call it Eastern Ukraine would be to make Uman seem more dangerous than it is.

    For some reason the Ukrainian govt really doesn’t want thousands of chassidim coming and then going home perfectly safely. My bet is that they think it would make it seem like the situation isn’t as dire as it is and the billions of dollars they’re receiving would be at risk.


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